chapter XV

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A few days later...

Jungkook had been waiting for Jimin on the school's exit for a while when the boy finally showed up.

Grabbing the older boy by his collar, Jungkook pushed Jimin against the side of the school.

"Where's Julie?" he asked.

"Jungkook?!" Jimin pushed the kid off, "Where the hell were you, man?"

"Doesn't matter! Where the hell is Julie?" Jungkook asked again, "I went to her house and no one was there, the windows were all closed and her aunt's car wasn't parked in the driveway." he said while rubbing his forehead.

"Wait... Y-You don't know?" Jimin sounded confused.

"Know what?" Jungkook asked, but got no answer, "Know what?!" he shouted.

"Her aunt... She died." Jimin explains on a low tone, "She died a few days ago an-"

"Where's Taehyung?" he cut him, "He must know where she is." Jungkook was now talking more to himself than to Jimin.

"Taehyung told me he would run away the day before Julie's aunt died and I haven't seen him since then."

"It was the same day I left." he mumbles, "I left Julie alone." he brings his hand to his forehead, "I got to go find her."

Jungkook runs away and once his feet meet the entry of Julie's house he stops, almost out of breath.

"Where the hell are you Julie?" he mutters.

After going to Taehyung's place and calling him nonstop, Jungkook gets no answer and decides to call Jimin to get more information.

He asks more things about Hyejin's accident and finds out someone was with her. Someone he had actually met once. Min Soojin.

She was Hyejin's coworker and he met her once when she went to Julie's house and he was there. She probably doesn't remember him now, but he needs to find a way to contact her.

He puts on a coat and rushes to the hospital.

"I need to see Soojin, please. She works here. She was on an accident a few days ago." he says desperately.

"You mean Min Soojin?" the nurse asks and he nods, "Sorry, only family members can visit her." she says and Jungkook purses his lips, thinking hard and before the nurse can turn around and leaves he manages to come up with a way.

"I-I'm her nephew." he says.

"You are?"

"Yes." he gulps and nods.

"Oh, okay, sorry. Follow me." the nurse smiles.

Jungkook let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding and starts following behind the nurse.

As they reach the room, Jungkook's heart starts beating stronger and stronger. The only thing he can hear is his heartbeat and his mind starts remembering Julie and how worried he is about her.

The sound of knocks on a door snap him out of his trance.

"Miss Min? Your nephew is here to see you." the nurse opens the door.

Jungkook steps in to see if she will realise what's going on.

"Jungkook?" she looks confused, but the look in his face, the plead in his eyes, makes her kind of get what's going on, "Come in! I've missed you." she smiles and Jungkook's body relaxes as he was standing stiff.

Jungkook fakes a smile and goes in the room, standing next to her bed.

"I'll leave you two alone." the nurse smiles and leaves the room.

Soojin nods at the nurse and turns to Jungkook, who's standing as stiff as before.

"W-" she starts after a few moments of silence.

"I'm here to ask you if you have seen Julie." he looks at her.

She sighs, "I had hope you were gonna tell me something about where she is." she answers, "I have been looking for her. Texting, calling, but nothing."

"I think she might've ran away." he confesses and Soojin's eyes widen, "With Taehyung. Her b-"

"Boyfriend." she cuts him, "Hyejin told me about him before."

"Well, knowing him, he'd probably do something like this. But he would never make Julie do it too, so it was her choice. Maybe even her idea." Jungkook says.

"Do you have any idea where they went?" she asks.

"No. I've been trying to think of all the places, but nothing comes to my mind."  he says.

"I really need your help Jungkook. Julie's still a minor and I'm now her designated guardian. We have to find her, but I can't really do it in this goddamn bed, so I'm counting on you." she says, desperation in her eyes.

Jungkook stood still for a few moments before snapping back into reality.

"O-Okay... You can count on me." he says.

"Thank you." a big grin forms in her face.

After that Jungkook leaves the hospital. As soon as he walks out he decides to give it one last try and call Julie again. He tries two times and gives up. Her phone doesn't even ring.

He lets out a disappointed sigh and stucks his hands in the pocket's of his black coat.

The only thought in his mind is what Julie is doing now. Not where. Not with who. But what. All he wants is for her to be safe. And happy.

His day goes by "normally". If normally means staying home all day, laying in bed, overthinking about the girl he loves and how she ran away without thinking twice; then his day went by pretty normally.

It's now 3 am and Jungkook finally managed to sleep, when his phone starts buzzing on his bedside table.

Unknown ID

He picks the phone hesitantly and swipes it right.

"Hello?" but no one answers, "Hello?" he repeats in a clearer tone.

The person keeps it quiet, but he can hear something. A breathing. The person lets out a small sigh. Jungkook widens his eyes and breathes in, trying to speak, but nothing comes out.

"J-Julie?" it barely comes out, more like a whisper.

The person immediately hangs up, leaving Jungkook confused and speechless. He was sure it was Julie. It was his best friend.

He knows it.


a/n:: hey everyone, wow i finally updated and it's not good, what a surprise huh, but i will update again tomorrow AND TAE AND JULIE WILL BE IN IT THERE WILL BE DRAMA, but this chapter was important as hellzies, i hope you like i need u AND TYSM FOR 3K OML I NEVER THOUGHT- i love you


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