chapter XVIV

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Julie walks down the street in search of a cab, tears quietly and slowly streaming down her face as she tries her best to hold them back.

It was her decision to leave him. And she was doubting that decision more than any other thing she's ever doubted.

She heads to the police station, practicing what she's going to say over and over in her mind. And as soon as she mentions Dongsun's name the detectives' eyes widen in shock. They mention how they've been looking for him and how important that information is every chance they get.

After maybe a few hours, she's finally free. She heads to the hospital. Once inside, people start recognizing her and immediately lead her to Soojin's room.

She walks in in slow steps, hesitantly.

"Hi." she mumbles really lowly.

"Julie? Julie?!" Soojin starts to panick, "Where have you been?! Are you okay?! What were you doing?" she sits up.

"Soojin. I'm fine." Julie says, "I'll tell you everything? The nurse said you'll go home tonight and... We'll go together and I'll tell you everything."


"Jungkook contacted me. He told me everything."

"Julie... I'm so sorry. It must be so hard."

"It is. It was. It's been." she starts tearing up, "But I'm getting through this."

"You are."

I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Do you... Mm... Happen to know where Jungkook is?"


It was about an hour later and Julie was sitting at the hospital's cafeteria playing with her fingers as she waits for him to arrive.

"Julie." she hears his voice calling her.

She looks up and sees his tired, overdone face looking down at her.

"Jungkook." she gulps down.

He takes a sit across from her and looks down before talking.

"How are you? How is V?"

"I'm... I'll be fine. He'll be fine."

"Why are you here?" he asks looking down, avoiding her eyes.

"I'm back."

"What?" his head shoots up.

"I'm back, Jungkook. I missed my old life."

"Julie." he stands up and Julie follows.

He throws himself at her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I missed you, Jungkook." she whispers.

"I missed you so much."


Walking inside her old house felt weird. It was exactly how Taehyung and her left it. All windows locked, lights off and their empty bowls of cereal still on the table.

"Wait, let me help you." Julie says as she helps Soojin with her bags.

"This is my new home, then." she smiles at me.

"You don't like it? I mean we can-"

"Julie, I love it." her smile brightens up as a chuckle escapes her lips.

"Okay." I sigh.

"I'm gonna go settle down." she says and takes her bags to my aunt's old room.

I take my phone out of my pocket and start working on activating it again. I hear a knock on the door and jump in fear, that's when I realize, I'm home. I'm safe now.

I hesitantly open the door and see Jungkook standing there with a small smile on his face.

"Oh, hey." I say.

"Hey..." he starts, "Wanna watch a movie?" he smiles brightly.

"I hate you." I laugh, "Come in."


a/n:: posting the epilogue soon!

i need u ; kim taehyung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now