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in which alec is missing, and magnus wakes up alone.


"Remember, Alec. I trust you. No matter what happens, Magnus can't find out about this." Catarina warned him, a worried look on her face.

A part of Alec wanted to deny that there was anything to be concerned about, but he knew that that wasn't true. If there was one thing Magnus had never told him, it was this. But he needed to know. More than anything.

He nodded once at Catarina and said a silent "thank you" before slipping out of her apartment, a worried expression crossing his face. God forbid Magnus ever found out about this.


"No!" Magnus shouted, terrified as he woke up in a pool of sweat. It was that dream. The one he got every year.

All these years, there had been no one to comfort him. Yet, this time, there would be someone.

He rolled over, anticipating the sweet feeling of being wrapped in Alexander's arms. A feeling he looked forward to every waking hour.

A feeling...that he was not experiencing at the moment.

Confused, he instantly sat up straight, no longer tired or scared. This was strange. Alexander usually waited for him to wake up. And if there was an emergency, he would leave a note or something on top of his pillow. No wonder Magnus had woken up so early.

"Alexander?" He called out, stepping out of bed cautiously as worry crept up on him. Sure, Alec could handle himself quite well. He was one of the Clave's best shadowhunters, for heaven's sake! But it was a little too quiet for Magnus to feel reassured.

He walked across the hallway leading to the living room, careful not to make any noise. His feet padded lightly on the floor. He reached the living room, but there was no one there. Magnus had checked in the bathroom on the way, but Alexander wasn't in there either. The only option remaining was the kitchen. But whatever could he be doing in there?

"Alexander?" Magnus called, louder and more confident this time, having established the fact that no one else was home.

No response.

At this point, Magnus was getting upset. And quite angry. It was unfair. Alexander had no way of knowing, but still. It stung to have been left alone on a day as important as today, considering how miserably he had spent the same day year after year after year until it had come to the point where it meant nothing to him.

He stormed into the kitchen, fully expecting to see Alexander inside, sitting at the table. Instead, he was greeted with nothingness. Again.


"Come on, Alexander. Pick up." Magnus said, desperate. This was the fourth time he was calling Alec, and all he was getting was his voicemail.

Magnus paced back and forth, worried. He had hurried over to the Institute a few hours ago, but was only greeted by Izzy, who had said that Jace and Alec were out hunting down a few demons. Magnus had wanted to believe her, but she was an excellent liar.

Having had nowhere else to go, he had ended up at his apartment again, worried sick. And also slightly upset. He was well aware of the fact that he was being ridiculous and petty, but there was nothing he could do to control that.

Suddenly, his phone rung, snapping him out of his thoughts. He ran over to it, hoping against hope that it would be Alec.

But no. It was Jace.

"What do you want?" He practically growled into the phone. "Where the hell is Alexander?"

"Woah, calm down there. He's not with me." Jace said defensively, but Magnus wasn't fooled.

"I know he's with you, Jace. And I'm warning you, if I don't find him by the end of the day, I'll make sure you regret it." Magnus threatened. He didn't care if he was being stupid at this point; all he cared about was Alexander.

"By the Angel, Magnus, that's just-"Suddenly, he was cut off my another voice. One that was very, very familiar.

"Jace, who is that?" Magnus heard footsteps getting louder.

"Alexander?" He said cautiously, not sure if it was him. When he heard no response, he said it louder.

Suddenly, he heard a scuffling sound, almost as if the phone was being wrestled away from Jace, and a faint "shit", which was obviously Alexander.

"Alexander, what-?" Before he could even finish his sentence, the call was disconnected. Rejection washed through Magnus, coursing through him. Had he done something wrong? He couldn't recall a single moment in the last few months where him or Alec had been unsatisfied with something or had argued. What could he have possibly done?

He struggled to keep the tears from falling as he questioned his actions. Maybe it was because Alexander had gotten tired of waiting for him every time he needed something. Or was it because Magnus kept clinging onto him so much? He knew Alec needed his space but he usually just made it clear when he needed some time alone.

Magnus sat down on his couch, staring into oblivion. He didn't know how long he had been sitting there when his phone suddenly rang.

He leaped towards it again, hoping against hope that it would be Alexander. To his utter surprise, it was. He hastily pushed the answer button and held the phone to his ear expectantly.


"Magnus? Hey, do you think you could head over to the park right now? You know the one." Alec sounded tense, and worried.

"Okay." Magnus said simply, before the call disconnected again. He knew the park. With an impatient snap of his fingers, his shoes appeared on his feet and he hurried out the door.



i didn't really want to make this too long of a read, so i've split it into two parts.

all the love,

A Little Bit of Chaos, and a Whole Lot of Love | A Collection of Malec One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz