don't go

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in which alec just needs magnus to stay.


"There's only one option left." Magnus said gravely, addressing the rest of the group. "And we all know what it is." He continued.

Everyone was silent for a while, until Isabelle finally stated the inevitable. "Going to Edom."

Four heads turned towards Magnus. "No. Absolutely not. I won't allow it." Alec said sternly. His gaze met Magnus's, pleading him not to go forth with this idea.

"Alec..." Isabelle said, her voice trailing off. "There's no other way."

"Izzy's right, Alec. Please. You need to see reason. It's the only way we can save Jace." Clary said pleadingly, trying to get Alec to understand.

"No." Alec said again, just as firm as before. "As Head of the Institute, I don't approve of this mission. We can find another way. Any other way."

"Alexander, this is the only option we have left." Magnus said again, looking into Alec's eyes.

"There's always another option. We just need to look harder." Alec said stubbornly.

"Come on, Alec." Simon chimed in. "Jace is your parabatai. I thought you guys would sacrifice anything for each other."

"I'm not going to sacrifice Magnus!" Alec exclaimed, both shocked and aggravated that he would suggest something like this. He threw a glare towards Simon. "You know what, why don't you just shut up?"

Everyone was quiet again. Nobody really wanted to say anything, especially not to Alec, who looked like he was ready to either break down or throw something. Quite possibly at Simon.

"So I guess that settles it." Alec finally said, after realizing that no one else was going to say anything. "We'll find another way, Magnus stays here. Nobody's going to Edom."

"No one agreed to that proposition, Alexander." Magnus said, his expression turning stony.

"Nobody seemed to object to it." Alec said, turning to glare at Magnus this time. "And as Head of this Institute, I-"

He was cut off by Magnus. "Alexander, you may be the Head of the Institute, but you're only in charge of the Shadowhunters. Not the Downworld. If I want to go to Edom, I'm free to do so." Magnus said, returning Alec's glare.

Neither said anything; they simply glared at each other for a while, neither of them willing to back down.

They stood there staring each other down  for what seemed like forever, Isabelle, Clary and Simon looking at them, until Alec finally caved.

"Magnus." He said, addressing Magnus gently this time. "I couldn't ask you to do something like this. And even if I could, I don't want to."

"Alexander." Magnus said, just as gently. "You don't have to ask me to do anything. I'm doing this of my own free will."

When Alec said nothing, Magnus turned to address the rest of the group. "Is anybody in objection to me going to Edom?" He asked.

Everyone was quiet. Alec looked at the rest of them incredulously. "Is everybody seriously agreeing with this?" He asked. He question was only answered with sympathetic looks.

"Well, I guess that settles it." Magnus said heavily, a sigh escaping him. "I'm going to Edom." He said it with finality, his tone clearly stating that the discussion was over.

"Fine then. Have it your way! If you're so eager to leave me, then go ahead!" Alec said, his voice rising with each word until he was eventually screaming by the time he finished.

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