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(just a quick break from the 'mundane for a day' series)

in which alec and magnus fight.


"Well, maybe if you weren't so selfish this wouldn't have happened!" Alec yelled at him, furious.

"Do you even hear yourself right now? It's only hot water, for heaven's sake! I can conjure more up with magic, all you need to do is ask!" Magnus yelled back. He hated arguing with Alexander more than anything, but he was left with no choice. "And I am not selfish." He added quietly.

"Right. I suppose magic can fix everything." Alec said, obviously choosing to ignore Magnus's comment about not being selfish.

"Alexander." Magnus said as calmly as possible. "I don't like what you're insinuating." Magnus was trying his hardest not to yell.

"Because it's always about what you like." Alec said.

Magnus knew that Alexander didn't mean that. He loved the boy with all his heart, but at times like this, things were difficult. Especially when Alec got mad.

Magnus wondered what to do next. He could either respond, or remain silent.

He chose to remain silent and continue his work.

"Really? Now you're ignoring me?" Alexander asked him, his tone incredulous. "You know what? Forget it. This is probably what it's going to be like in a couple years anyway."

"Excuse me?" Magnus asked, shocked that Alec would say something like that. "What do you mean?" He dreaded that question; he knew perfectly well what Alexander meant. But he needed to hear the words.

"You know damn well what I mean, Magnus." Alec said, his voice deadly silent.

"No, Alexander, I do not." Magnus replied. He was lying through his teeth, but the last thing he wanted was to have this conversation.

"Fine. Let me spell it out for you." Alec snapped. "In a couple more years, I'll be dead. And all you need to do is snap your fingers to move on. It'll be like I never even existed-"

"ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD!" Magnus roared, silencing a very stunned Alec. He couldn't take it anymore. "I don't know what's gotten into you. Why would you possibly believe that I don't love you?" Magnus's tone softened. He needed to know why Alexander thought the way he did. Hadn't he done enough to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that he loved the shadowhunter with all his heart? What more did he have to do?

"I believe that you love me, Magnus. It's not that." Alexander said. He had evidently calmed down, but his voice was still steely. Magnus was well aware that anything could set him off at this point. "It's the fact that you've loved so many people before this. I don't really make a difference. I'm just the same as all the others. I'm....trivial." Alec spat out. His voice shook slightly at the end. He closed his eyes.

"Alexander...."Magnus began, but his voice trailed off. For the first time in a very, very long time, Magnus Bane was at a loss for words.

"Forget it." Alexander said. He didn't bother looking at Magnus as he turned to walk into their bedroom.

Magnus wanted to go after Alexander more than anything at the moment, but he knew that the shadowhunter needed his space right now. Magnus knew that going after him would only make everything worse.

Sighing heavily, Magnus bent over his desk and immersed himself in his work again.


"Magnus." A familiar, sleepy voice interrupted him. Magnus looked up tiredly. "It's late. Come to bed."

Magnus could clearly sense the awkward tension between him and his boyfriend, and he knew that Alexander could sense it too.

"I'll be there in a minute." Magnus said stiffly. He could feel Alexander's piercing gaze on him, but he refused to meet it. "You go on ahead." Magnus continued.

He bent back over his work, but it was evident that the boy wasn't going anywhere.

Both of them were silent for a while, well aware of the other's presence but choosing not to acknowledge it, until Alexander finally spoke up.

"Magnus, I'm sorry." Alexander blurted out. Magnus looked up at the younger boy in surprise. He was shocked to see the pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He said again. "I don't want to fight; I never meant for things to get so....messed up between us. But you're overworking yourself right now, Magnus. Please just come to bed." His lower lip quivered; he looked like he was going to cry. Magnus had seen Alexander vulnerable before, but never this much. It killed him.

He stayed silent for a minute, until he finally managed to get out. "Of course, Alexander. I'll be right there."

Alec let out a sigh of relief and turned to go, but it was clear that he wasn't actually planning on effectively going to the bedroom until he was sure Magnus was coming.

Magnus sighed himself, shut his books, shuffled his papers and started to make his way towards the bedroom. As soon as he did, Alec began to move.

On the way to bedroom, he stopped by the bathroom. When he finally did make it to the bedroom, he stopped hesitatingly at the doorway. Why, he didn't know. But when he looked inside the room, he saw his shadowhunter facing away from his side of the bed, sound asleep.

He couldn't stop the smile that crept onto his face as he crawled into bed too. He had always loved watching Alexander sleep.

Just as he was about to drift asleep, however, he felt the younger boy's arms wrap around his waist, holding him tight as they both fell asleep together, all their anger forgotten.



to be completely honest, i don't like this one very much. alec and magnus don't really seem like themselves here. maybe it's just me, i don't know.

anyway, i posted this regardless, cause i didn't really wanna leave it unfinished.

sorry, i'll try to make a better one later.

thank you for reading!

all the love,

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