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(because magnus without magic is devastating, but freaking adorable. unfortunately, i've already written a fanfic about alec being taller than magnus, but there's plenty more.)


"Magnus?" Alec's voice called out. Normally, Magnus loved listening to the shadowhunter speak. Especially in the mornings, when his voice was still hoarse and deep. Listening to that usually did....things to Magnus's body.

In this case, however, the one thing Magnus didn't want was to listen to Alexander's voice. Because hearing that voice meant that Alexander was awake. And if Alexander was awake, it meant that he was coming to look for Magnus.

Hastily, Magnus tried as hard as he could to shove all the pots and pans spewed out over the kitchen counter into one of the many, many cupboards he had, but had had no use for until now. In doing so, he ended up knocking over a packet of flour, which went tumbling to the floor, ultimately increasing both the mess and Magnus's panic.

"Shit." He muttered under his breath, praying to whichever angel was listening that his boyfriend wouldn't end up wandering into the kitchen.

Unfortunately, it turned out no one was, in fact, listening, because the minute he thought that thought, Alec sauntered into the kitchen, yawning as a smile stretched across his face.

"Good morn-" Alec began, but stopped short as he witnessed the sight, which was no doubt horrifyingly messy in his mind, in front of him.

"Magnus, what the hell happened in here?" He asked, bewildered. His confusion was plainly visible on his face.

Magnus chose to remain silent as grinned sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders, suddenly feeling very small amongst the chaos surrounding him.

Truth be told, Magnus's casual gestures did absolutely no justice to how he really felt. He tried his hardest to keep the smile on his face, but after a while, he felt his playful facade begin to falter under Alec's gaze. The corners of his mouth slipped south and his face contorted. It took everything he had in him to try to stop the tears from sliding down his cheeks.

"Magnus?" Alec asked, his previous confusion immediately replaced with concern. He walked up to the warlock, towering over him as he engulfed him in his arms. Instantly, Magnus's arms wrapped around his waist as he pressed his head into Alexander's chest, seeking the comfort he so desperately needed right now.

"I'm sorry." Magnus said quietly. He wasn't sure if Alec had heard him; he hoped that he hadn't.

As usual, he was wrong.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Magnus." Alexander said. He sounded firm, stubborn.

"It's just....all these years, my magic was a part of me." Magnus choked out. "It's who I am. Without it I nothing. Useless. A part of me is gone, and I'm never getting it back." His voice cracked as he finished his sentence; the withheld sobs tearing past his throat.

Instinctively, Alec's arms wrapped around him tighter, pulling him impossibly close as he hooked his head over Magnus's shoulder. Magnus gladly welcomed the contact. He was getting tears all over Alec's shirt, but neither of them cared.

"We're going it get back, Magnus. I promise." Alec whispered softly. His voice was comforting, but the words had the opposite effect intended.

I promise. Is that what he had just said?

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Alexander." Magnus whispered back, just as soft. He sounded weak, fragile.

"I intend to keep this one, Magnus." Alec said soothingly, rubbing comforting circles on Magnus's back. "One way or the other." The determination was plainly visible in his voice.

Magnus knew that it was impossible, but so was winning this argument. He'd seen Alec in action, and he knew for a fact that nothing would stop the shadowhunter from getting what he wanted, especially if it concerned those he loved.

But this was uncharted territory. Getting Magnus's magic back meant a trip to Edom, and he was fairly certain an angel blooded human wouldn't be welcomed with open arms.

And at that moment, Magnus resolved that - magical or not - he would do anything to protect his boyfriend, even if it meant remaining a mortal.

As long as he could keep Alec safe.



in my personal (and very humble) opinion, this is an utter disaster. it was supposed to be fluff. instead, it ended up being some sort of angsty shitstorm. i'm not even going to bother asking for feedback on this one.

writer's block is an absolute b*tch.

all the love,

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