kiss me before you go

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(just a cute little fluff moment, really)


"Jace, think you can handle this?" Alec asked him hastily. "I need to get this paperwork done."

"Sure, no problem buddy." Jace replied.

"I'll go with him." Isabelle chimed in.

"Thank you." Alec told her, nodding at them once. "So we're good to go?" He asked, not even bothering to wait for a reply before rushing off.

"Okay then." Magnus said after a pause. He crossed his arms as an exasperated expression came across his face. If there was one thing Magnus hated, it was being ignored. Especially by the love of his life.

Ignoring Izzy and Jace's looks, Magnus turned to walk away just as Alec came rushing up to him and pressed his lips against his.

"I'm really sorry, I love you, I'll come by later. Promise." Alec said hurriedly. He kissed Magnus's forehead softly before rushing away again.

Magnus couldn't help but smile.



alright this is insanely short but it was just lying around there so i decided to post it. not really a dedicated one shot, but i figured it was cute, you know?

hope it made you smile :)

all the love,

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