don't let me forget you

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in which the author attempts to invoke a great deal of emotions within you.


No, Alec had stated firmly, his fists clenching as his posture stiffened. He’d regarded the Prince of Hell with a stern gaze, his teeth gritting together as he’d repeated himself.

No, I’m not leaving Magnus.

Oh? Asmodeus had laughed, the sound rough, grating against his throat before spewing past his lips. You dare defy a Greater Demon? He’d questioned mockingly. Very well then.

Take this vial, Asmodeus had said, as he’d handed Alec a tiny container filled with a strange golden liquid. It contains the essence of Magnus’s magic. Instantly, the vial had been in Alec’s hands. He’s clutched it tightly between his fingers, unbridled joy flowing through him as he inspected the contents of the bottle – until he realized what was to come.

What’s your price? He’d asked, the minute the thought occurred to him, his eyes narrowing in suspicion as he’d taken in the Greater Demon’s greedy stance. Asmodeus had smirked, the expression on his face feral, almost predatory, as he’d spit out his condition.

Magnus will forget any and all memories he has of you. Asmodeus had told him, with a gleeful grin spreading across his face as Alec’s heart had plummeted towards the ground, dread coursing through his veins. Slip this into one of his drinks, he’ll never notice. Asmodeus had announced, his smile widening with every syllable. But mark my words, you’ll have a mere ten minutes with him, before his mind resets itself to before he ever met you.

It'll be like you never existed.

Alec had closed his eyes at the words, as if that would shield him from the pain. But he’d choked out a thank you to Asmodeus anyway, the words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth, before leaving the loft that was no longer theirs.


He’s standing in front of the dressing table, a pot of tea placed in front of him, trembling fingers grasping the vial he’d received earlier that day.

He feels numb. Dead. Empty.

He’s had almost the entire day to process things. Magnus had stayed in bed the whole time – Alec isn’t sure if his boyfriend even realized he was gone in the first place, but he hadn’t tried to bother Magnus.

His problems were about to end anyway.

He unscrews the vial slowly, taking his time as lets its contents pour drop by drop into the pot. He can feel whiffs of the magic surround him, and he lets it, finally feeling at home after so, so long. He’s missed this, missed being around Magnus’s magic, missed letting it engulf him and fester inside him as a part of it found a home in him too.

But all of that is about to change soon.

He can’t breathe.

He tosses container aside carelessly – the glass shatters against the floor, but he doesn’t really care, and he assumes Magnus doesn’t either, judging from the way he barely even shifts his position.

This is the price he has to pay, he tells himself firmly. This is the price they have to pay, so Magnus can get his magic back, so Magnus can finally be happy.

A Little Bit of Chaos, and a Whole Lot of Love | A Collection of Malec One ShotsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα