alec over the ages [ii]

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[Twenty Three]

Magnus beamed as Alexander slowly brushed his gloved fingers against his before he linked them together. He turned towards the shadowhunter, a huge grin on his face. It was rare that Alec publicly displayed affection towards Magnus.

Magnus knew he wasn't ashamed, he just preferred to remain a bit more reserved than most. And Magnus was absolutely fine with it. It made moments like these even more special.

"I love you." He said spontaneously. He never really needed a reason to say it, he just did. He liked to believe that he said those three words so often - and so randomly - because there should never really be a reason. But it was mostly just because he loved watching the blush spread slowly but steadily across Alexander's face.

"I love you, too, Magnus." Alec said, albeit a bit shyly, but still confidently, as if he was never more sure of anything. Magnus's heart fluttered, like to so often did, when he heard those words.

"Park?" He asked, raking his eyes over Alec as best he could despite him being covered form head to toe in boots, gloves, scarves and jackets. The weather was freezing. Magnus had insisted on using magic to warm him up, but Alec had blatantly refused, saying something about how Magnus's magic was valuable and how he was perfectly fine in a coat.

Or five.

Which is exactly how they ended up walking down the streets of New York with both of them bundled up completely, Magnus not wanting to use his magic only for himself.

Not that he minded, of course. It was beautiful here, snowflakes swirling around them. The sky was overcast, but only slightly, creating the perfect atmosphere. Magnus loved this kind of weather. And Alexander being there only added to the beauty, his gorgeous self flushed against the cold.

Alec nodded in response and headed a few steps forward, eagerly tugging Magnus along behind him, which only made the warlock's grin stretch impossibly wider. He had always found Alec's love for the park incredibly endearing.

Chuckling quietly to himself, Magnus let Alexander pull him along, all the while thinking that all those centuries of waiting, all those people who had claimed they loved him, but had only ended up using him, they were definitely worth it.

Alec was definitely worth the wait.

[Thirty Seven]

"Stop it." Magnus said, steadying his voice.

"Stop what?" Alec asked, an innocent expression painting his face.

"You know what I mean, Alexander." Magnus said, clenching his fists at his sides as he tried to reign the anger in.

"I...." Alec began, but trailed off, clearly having nothing to say in his defence. He didn't attempt to apologize either, and for that, Magnus was grateful. This had happened one too many times, and an apology was hardly acceptable anymore.

Looking at the helplessness that was written all over his husband's face, Magnus couldn't stay angry anymore. He knew Alexander was hurting, they both were, but there was nothing that could be done. It was just something they had to endure.

He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Alec's waist, slowly tugging him towards Magnus. Alexander responded immediately, engulfing Magnus in his chest as he buried in face in the warlock's neck, letting out a deep, shuddering breath.

Magnus sighed, thinking back to the first time he had caught Alec looking in the mirror for gray hair and wrinkles, assuming that Magnus wasn't home yet. He hadn't said anything to Alec, and it was obvious that Alec wasn't going to talk to him about it.

Later however, when he had found out that Alexander was making this a daily routine, Magnus had asked him about it. Thankfully, they had managed to talk it out before it blew up into a fight, but a few tears were shed, and that was something that couldn't be avoided.

"I can't help it." Alec said suddenly, his shaking voice cutting through Magnus's thoughts.

"Alexander, you don't have to explain yourself." Magnus said soothingly, and he meant it. The issue had already caused both him and Alec enough pain as it was, and it was clear that talking about it wasn't going to change anything. At least, not when they had already had every conversation they could possibly have regarding the topic.

"I just...I can't bear it. Leaving you alone. I know I promise you that I'm not going anywhere, but there's only so much time I can give you." Alec said anyway. His voice was surprisingly calm despite the shaking of his hands, but Magnus didn't question why.

"Alexander, listen. I am grateful for the time we've been given. What we means everything to me. It's given me a reason to be happy that I've been alive for so long." Magnus said.

"I'm sorry." Alec whispered, his voice broken. He clutched Magnus tighter, pulling him impossibly close as he breathed in the scent of his sandalwood shampoo, felt the rhythm of Magnus's heartbeat seeping through his bones; the steadiest thing he had ever known, as he tried to calm himself down.

"Daddy?" A small voice called out, brimming with curiosity. "Papa?"

Instantly, both of them pulled away from each other, immediately all smiles and happiness.

"Hey, Max." Magnus said, hastily wiping at the tears that had managed to make a trail down his cheeks.

"How's my big boy doing?" Alec asked at the same time. He rushed over to Max, picked him up and swooped him up in his arms, causing the little boy to let out a delighted squeal and clap his hands.

"I'm coming for you, Max." Magnus said as Alec shifted their child to his side so he could hold him firmly, wiggling his fingers like he was tickling the air.

Immediately, Max caught on.

"Papa!" He giggled, thrashing around in Alec's arms as Magnus tickled him.

After a while, he had finally calmed down, and the laughing had stopped. Slowly, Max's head drifted down to the crook of Alec's neck and stayed there, soft, quiet snores emanating from him every now and then.

Magnus smiled, almost full to bursting with joy at the sight of the two people he loved most standing in front of him. The emotion was a stark contrast to the raging sadness he felt, both emotions swirling around within him.

With a small, sad smile, he lifted his head up, only to find Alec's eyes boring into his, their bittersweet smiles mirroring each other's.

It was funny, really, how all Magnus had was time, yet he would never have enough time to spend with his Alexander. He almost scoffed at the thought.

"I love you." Alexander whispered softly, breaking Magnus out of his reverie. At that, Magnus couldn't help but smile. If there was one thing that would never change no matter how long he lived, it was his love for Alec.

"I love you, too."



y'all know what's coming just as well as i do. doesn't make it any less painful.

please don't kill me. i hate myself, too.

also, not to be that author, but it'd be awesome if y'all could check out my profile. i have another fanfiction book published there. no angst, only good (i hope) humor.

all the love,

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