mundane for a day - III | movies

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When he and Magnus finally finished breakfast, they stepped outside, enjoying the sunlight.

At least, Magnus did.

The minute they left the coffee shop, Alec tensed up, on high alert for any demons or rogue downworlders that might be lurking around.

A voice at the back of his mind was telling him to stop being so vigilant, but he couldn't exactly put his finger on why he should. Not until Magnus placed a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Alexander." The warlock said, evidently very amused. "There's no point. You won't see anything." Magnus reminded him.

For a minute, Alec stared at him, stupefied. It took him a while to get what Magnus meant. When he finally did, he turned away, embarrassed. Behind him, he heard a chuckle.

"So...." Magnus said, when Alec didn't say anything for a while. "Should we go to the movies?"

This caught Alec off guard.

Well, more off guard than he was right now.

He had never been to the movies before. Shadowhunters deemed such mundane activities unnecessary and pointless. With the exception of his parabatai, of course. And occasionally Izzy.

And practically everyone else at the Institute.

Suddenly, it dawned on Alec that he was the only one who didn't really have much of a life beyond hunting and killing demons and taking care of the Institute.

His thoughts were interrupted by Magnus's voice yet again.

"What's wrong?" Magnus asked him. "We don't have to go if you don't want to."

How was Alec supposed to explain to Magnus that he didn't know whether he wanted to go or not because he had never been to the movies before?

"It's not that, I just..." Alec trailed off, at a loss for words. After pausing a beat, he started over. "I've never really been before...I wouldn't know." He finished pathetically.

He had expected Magnus to look at him like he was an idiot, or double over laughing. Instead, Magnus only regarded him with sad eyes.

"You've never been to the movies before, have you?" He asked Alec, who merely shook his head no in response.

"Well, then I guess you're going today." Magnus said firmly, grabbing Alec by the hand and dragging him in the general direction of.....the movie theater, Alec assumed.

Despite his curiously, Alec groaned and allowed himself to be towed along.



As Alec looked at the massive screen in front of him, his mouth drifted open. It was huge! He'd never imagined that a TV could be so big.

He walked up to it and stood there for a moment, craning his neck to look all the way to the top, awestruck. Suddenly, Alec felt like a child again.

"Come on," Magnus said, a strange emotion teeming behind his words. "We need to go find our seats."

Alec reluctantly turned away from the screen to meet Magnus's gaze. Only then did he see that Magnus's eyes were filled with love. He looked at the childlike wonder in Alec's eyes, seemingly awestruck himself. Suddenly, Alec found himself being the one to being Magnus back down to earth.

He took Magnus's hand and laced his fingers through the warlock. "Come on." Alec teased, smiling. "Shouldn't we get to our seats?"

Magnus returned the smile and gestured forward. "Lead the way, Alexander." Alec nodded and turned around. Only then did he realize that he was being messed with. He had absolutely no idea what to do.

Magnus let out a soft laugh under his breath before walking forward, his fingers still intertwined with Alec's, who followed him silently.

When they finally got to their seats, Alec simply looked at it. It looked incredibly comfortable, but the size....

"What's the matter?" Magnus asked, for what seemed like the millionth time that day. "Is there something wrong?"

"Not exactly." Alec said. "It's just....will I fit?" He asked hesitantly.

It was then that Magnus let out a burst of laughter that he had obviously been containing for quite some time now. Alec looked away, embarrassed.

"I love you, Alexander." Magnus managed to get out.

"Love you too." Alec mumbled, just loud enough for Magnus to hear.

Magnus plopped down in his seat, pulling Alec down with him so he was was seated in his. The minute Alec sat down, he almost moaned with pleasure. The only chairs he had at the Institute were hard wooden ones that were designed specifically to make you cry with pain and discomfort, and regret having ever wanted to sit down. These plush cushions were royalty in comparison.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed Magnus look over at him and shake his head, but he was too busy enjoying the chair to care.

The only thing that managed to eventually distract Alec was the movie, which another magnificence entirely on it's own. Alec stared up at the screen, completely captivated with the happenings on it.

His eyes sparkled, and he was well aware that he was acting like a little kid, but he couldn't help it. Ever since meeting Magnus, he'd tried a lot of new things and....experimented with a lot of things, but this was something else altogether. He'd never been subjected to something like this before, and he was loving every second of it. Even if the killing techniques being displayed were faulty.

He was so absorbed in what he was watching, he was a little surprise when he felt Magnus's lips come in contact with his cheek.

"What?" He asked, sidetracked, but not enough to pull his eyes away from the movie.

"You're just so adorable." Magnus whispered into his ear. Alec could hear the smile in the warlock's - sorry, mundane's - voice. He smiled in response, but still didn't look away.

"In fact, it's actually quite...alluring." Magnus continued to purr into his ear. Alec was surprised at the sudden deepening of his voice. "And tempting." Magnus continued, as he placed his hand lightly on Alec's thigh. If Alec was surprised before, he was certainly shocked beyond words now.

Swallowing thickly, he turned towards Magnus and gave him a smile before leaning forward and pressing their lips together, hoping this would satiate Magnus's....hunger, for now.

Unfortunately, it didn't.

The minute their lips met, Magnus pressed forward, his hand snaking up Alec's leg. Alec reluctantly returned the kiss, but his mind was elsewhere. And it was clear that Magnus could tell too.

"What is it, Alexander?" The warlock purred. Alec had no doubt that he wanted Magnus, just not at this moment.

"Well, um...." He trailed off, not sure how to voice his thoughts without offending Magnus. Instead, his twisted his head slightly to the side and gestured in front of him. His eyes turned away and glued to the screen as he did so.

"You'd rather watch the movie?" Magnus asked him, pulling away. He sounded disappointed.

Alec nodded and grinned at him sheepishly.

"Fine, then." Magnus grumbled, a smile still in his voice, as he leaned back into his seat and continued to enjoy watching Alec enjoy watching the movie.



okay, yeah, i know it's been a while since i've updated, but i don't really know where i was going with this one.

still don't, actually.

anyway, eh, here you go. enjoy, i guess.

remember, requests are always open!

also, if you guys are enjoying these one shots, do me a favor and go ahead and vote and comment.

all the love,

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