mundane for a day - I

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"What, Alexander?!" Magnus snapped, finally looking up from his papers. He glared at Alec, but it was obvious that he wasn't actually mad.

"Do you think....?" Alec began hesitantly, not really knowing how to frame his question. It was a strange request. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined wanting something like this.

"Yes, Alexander, I do, in fact, think. Did you honestly believe that I survived for so many centuries getting by on good looks alone?" Magnus teased as he turned back to his paperwork.

"Oh shut up Magnus." Alec said.

"If I recall correctly, you were the one trying to get me to talk." Magnus said, not looking up.

"Do you have a spell to turn me into a mundane?" Alec blurted out. The minute he said it, his cheeks turned red. Alec was supposed to despise mundanes, or think of them as mere idiots, in the least. This was a surprise. To both him and Magnus.

"Where did this come from?" Magnus asked. This had definitely gained his attention. He finally looked up from his work, meeting Alec's gaze. Only then did Alec see the concern in his eyes.

" you?" Alec mumbled, just loud enough for Magnus to hear him. He was embarrassed enough already.

"Yes. Yes, I do." Magnus said. "But why? Is something wrong? Do you not want to be a shadowhunter anymore?" Magnus bombarded him with questions. Normally, he would let Alec talk about his problems at his leisure, but this was different. Alec loved being a shadowhunter. He couldn't even begin to fathom this sudden change of mind.

"By the Angel, Magnus, no!" Alec said, both shocked and offended. He couldn't imagine not being a shadowhunter, it was all he was.

"Then...?" Magnus prompted him. "What's this all about?"

"Nothing. Really, it's nothing, forget it." Alec waved his hand dismissively as he tried to avert his gaze.

"Clearly not." Magnus said.

Both were silent for a while, until Alec finally spoke. Magnus was obviously waiting for an explanation. Might as well give him one.

"I just.....I want to know how it feels." Alec said, a bit shyly. "You know, to be able to just spend a day without having to worry about being demons lurking around or constantly worrying about someone you love getting killed." Pause. "But really, forget I said anything. It's fine. Just a stupid thought." Alec said, trying to dismiss whatever he had just said. But he should have known better than to try doing that with Magnus Bane.

"Alexander." Magnus said, walking up to the shadowhunter. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. And I promise you, no one will find out about this. Your secret's safe with me." Magnus said softly. He was chest-to-chest with Alec now.

"Good." Alec said, letting out a sigh of relief. "Good."

It took a while for what Magnus was saying to sink in.

"Wait, does that mean you'll do it?" He asked, surprised that Magnus had agreed.

"For you? Anything." Magnus said with finality, leaning in for a kiss.

"Wait." Alec said, stopping Magnus just before their lips touched, much to the warlock's disappointment. "Um.....there is this one other thing." He said, even more hesitant than before.

"Which is?"Magnus asked, his lips brushing against Alec's as he spoke.

"Would you...uh...I mean, do you think you could...." Alec trailed off, not knowing how to phrase his question without either sounding needy or like an idiot.

"Become a mundane with you?" Magnus asked, smiling at him.

Alec nodded.

"Like I said, Alexander. For you, anything."

Alec smiled as he leaned in to give Magnus the kiss he wanted. Just before they did, however, Magnus whispered "But only for a day." before crashing their lips together.



"Are you sure about this?" Magnus asked Alec, eyeing him with concern.

"Positive." Alec replied. "Go ahead." He nodded as convincingly as he could.

"Okay then." Magnus said. "But remember, being mundane means no steles, no runes and absolutely no sight. Make sure you don't go anywhere near the Institute; you won't be able to see anything. You'll have your memories intact, of course. You'll know the shadow world exists, you'll just be seeing it through the eyes of a mundane. Which means you won't be seeing it at all. Any questions?"

"Just one." Alec said.

"Go ahead."

"What happens to you, exactly?"

"Me? Same as you, really. No sight. And no magic. For twenty four hours." Magnus said. He sounded disappointed about the magic part. "But what I meant was whether you had any questions about you." He continued.

"No, not really." Alec said, shrugging.

"Well then. I guess we're good to go." Magnus sighed. With a grand gesture of his hand, he began murmuring under his breath. Blue sparks shot out of the tips of his finger, engulfing him and Alec. For a few moments, all Alec could see were swirls of blue and gold. All he could hear was Magnus's steady chanting.

Finally, there was a blinding flash of light. For a few moments, Alec could see nothing. When he finally regained his sense of sight, the first thing he saw was Magnus, who was looking at him too.

Alec felt....strange. And that was putting it lightly. His runes were gone, for one thing. And his stele had disappointed from his back pocket. He felt hollow inside, like a big chunk of him had been ripped out.

The first he noticed, though, were that Magnus's cat eyes, which had been exposed the entire time, were suddenly gone. He was now staring into Magnus's charcoal coloured eyes, which held a looks of confusion and blankness themselves.

"Well," Magnus finally said. "I guess we're mundanes."



hope you guys liked this; it's definitely something different!

also, let me know if there are any specific "mundane" scenes you'd want me to include. i'd love to know what you guys would like to read.

the next part'll be up soon!

all the love,

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