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in which alec dreams of happiness, but wakes up to a nightmare.


"Alexander?" Magnus calls out, his tone playful. Alec grins. 

"Yes?" He asks, teasing. He pads across the floor silently, his bare feet noiseless against the plush carpet Magnus insisted they lay all over their bedroom. It would keep them warmer during the winter, was what he'd told Alec. That had been mostly untrue - designer carpets weren't big on utility - but the woven fabric had served another purpose after all. 

"Come on, Alexander. Where are you?" Magnus asks. Instantly, Alec's mind is filled with a mental image of Magnus's shoulders slumping as he searches for Alec in the dark - and comes up fruitless. They'd been at this game for a while now, ever since the electricity had gone out due to a sudden power surge a few hours ago. Magnus had insisted that he could light the loft up, and quite possibly the entire apartment, but Alec was having none of that. For one, he didn't want Magnus draining himself to supply electricity to so many people, not when the shortage was quite possibly caused by his own shadowhunters in the first place, and for another, he was having too much fun to go back now. 

"This wouldn't be much fun if I told you, now, would there?" Alec replies, his smile stretching impossibly wide across his face as Magnus lets out a heavy sigh, clearly intending to be heard. 

"Fine." He boyfriend says, melodramatically, as always. "But mark my words, shadowhunter, when I find you, there will be consequences." He warns, his voice immediately shifting into an octave lower than usual, his tone husky. At that, Alec sucks in a sharp breath, willing himself to remain still, right where he is. He can't have Magnus winning this. He's succumbed to his boyfriend's flirtatious charms more than once. 

"Are you seriously not giving me a response for that?" When Alec remains resolutely silent, Magnus lets out a huff. 

"Fine." He grumbles. A second later, the sound of soft footsteps fills the loft. 

Alec stands in his secret spot in silence, almost giggling with anticipation. Magnus was never going to find him, he was way too well hidden, this was-

"I found you." 

"Gah!" He startles slightly, stumbling over his feet as he turns on his heels to face darkness. He can sense Magnus's warmth in front of him, however, and immediately reaches forward, fumbling for a moment before latching onto Magnus's arm and pulling him close. 

"Well, I think I've won." Magnus says, bringing his face up close to Alec so he can literally feel the smirk on Magnus's face. 

"I didn't realize this was supposed to be a competition." Alec murmurs, their lips brushing together in a smile as he repeats the very words he said to Magnus a long, long time ago. 

"Oh, am I supposed to just let you win?" Magnus retorts, playing along. 

Alec chuckles, leaning down to kiss Magnus, but frowns when he comes up with nothing but air. 

"Magnus, what-"

"I did warn you about the punishment, Alexander." Magnus says, his tone sultry. Alec grins. 

A Little Bit of Chaos, and a Whole Lot of Love | A Collection of Malec One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now