mundane for a day - II | coffee

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Alec said nothing, he simply stared at Magnus. He didn't know how to feel.

When it became evident that he wasn't going to speak, Magnus did instead.

"So..." He began. "What do you want to do?"

Alec simply shrugged.

"Oh, come on, Alexander. Say something." Magnus said.

"I honestly have nothing to say, Magnus. I'm a mundane. I've never been one before. I feel...different." Alec said. He really didn't know what to say. He couldn't even comprehend himself at the moment. Being mundane certainly didn't feel horrible, but it wasn't exactly a pleasant feeling either. He felt hollow. Was this how they lived everyday?

"Well, you're going to have to say something. Or do something." Magnus said, snapping Alec out of his thoughts. "In case you didn't realize, I've never been a mundane either. This is new for me too."

"Fine." Alec agreed. "Why don't you suggest something instead?" He asked.

"Wonderful." Came the response. "We only have a day, so I think staying within the city should suffice." Magnus said, earning himself a glare from Alec before continuing. "How about we go grab breakfast first?" He said.

"Great." Alec said. He figured that there was nothing he could do at the moment but enjoy the day as best he could with Magnus. He was the one who had asked for this anyway.



A few minutes later, Magnus and Alec were seated in the corner of a coffee shop.

"What do you want to get?" Magnus asked him.

"Coffee." Was Alec's curt response. It was a perfectly good order, in his opinion, which was why he was was pretty surprised when Magnus glared at him.

"What?" He questioned.

"Nothing." Magnus said, still glaring at him.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" Alec asked him, confused.

"Because, Alexander." Magnus said. He spoke slowly and patiently, as if he was talking to an incredibly thick skinned child. "I can't simply go up to the barista and ask her for 'coffee'. Not unless you want me dead." Magnus explained.

"'s a coffee shop, Magnus." Alec said, bewildered. "What else am I supposed to get?"

"You, Alexander, are incredibly naive for a shadowhunter." Magnus said. "Wait here, I'll get your order."

With that said, Magnus scraped back his chair and went to stand in line to order. Alec looked at him, still baffled. He decided it would be best to just let Magnus order whatever he wanted to order. He had enough to worry about, what with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Coffee was a minor issue.

Not today, it isn't. A voice in his head whispered. You're a mundane, remember? Coffee is one of the most important things you should be bothered about.

Alec couldn't decided whether to simply groan and let it go or smack himself on the head. Realizing that smacking himself on the head would be painful, especially with the lack of his stele, he settled for a groan.

Just then, Magnus appeared in front of him.

"What's gotten you so bothered?" He asked the boy.

"Nothing." Alec said. "What did you get?"

"Me? I got a blueberry muffin. And a venti pumpkin spice latte with eight shots of espresso, seven pumps of pumpkin sauce, and one pump of maple pecan sauce."

Alec looked at Magnus, surprised that a coffee order was that long. But he didn't really let it get to him. He was a mundane right now, anyway. He probably shouldn't find certain things strange.

"And me?" He continued.

Magnus smirked at him. "Are you sure you want to know?" He asked Alec, giving him a look.

"Uh...yes, Magnus. Why wouldn't I? I'd like to know what I'm eating." Alec said hesitantly, eyeing Magnus warily. The glint in his eye had Alec worried. "Well, drinking." Alec amended.

"Fine." Magnus said. "But you asked for it." He warned, before continuing. "I got you a Double Ristretto Venti Half-Soy Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet'N Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice." Magnus said, practically out of breath by the time he finished.

Alec blinked.

When he finally found his voice, he managed to choke out: "I only wanted coffee..."



just a quick head's up: i've decided to write each mundane experience as a separate shot, which might lead to them being a little shorter than usual.

still, i hope you guys are enjoying these!

all the love,

A Little Bit of Chaos, and a Whole Lot of Love | A Collection of Malec One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now