selamat ulang tahun - II

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in which magnus finds alec, along with an unexpected surprise.


Magnus walked through the park as fast as he could, not bothering to stop and look around him even once. He made a beeline for his and Alexander's favorite bench. They would often come and sit there at night, not doing anything, just looking up at the stars, holding each other's hands.

When he finally made it to the bench, he sat down, then stood up, then sat down again. Four hundred years of practice and yet he was just as impatient as ever when it came to Alec.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Alexander arrived. He walked just as impatiently, but there was a certain nervousness in his stride. One that he usually got when he was hiding something.

As Alec approached Magnus, he stepped forward to embrace the Shadowhunter, but stepped back immediately when Alec repelled ever so slightly from the touch. It stung.

"A-Alec." Magnus stammered, slightly unsure. "What's going on?" He had horrible suspicions of what was going on. The last thing he wanted was to know what was going on.

"Magnus, listen. I know it was wrong of me and I shouldn't have done it, but I couldn't bear it anymore. I just had to. I'm so sor-"

"Are you cheating on me?" Magnus blurted out. He didn't know what else to think. It hurt like crazy, but at the same time, Magnus knew it was only fair. Alec was mortal, and he was far, far too good for someone like Magnus. He deserved someone better.

"W-what?" Alec asked, an incredulous look crossing his face before he doubled over laughing. Magnus looked at him, confused.

"That's what this is about, isn't it?" Magnus asked the boy, bewildered. "You're far too good for me, I knew this would happen soon-"

"Magnus." This time, Alec cut him off. "That's absolutely absurd." Alexander walked up to Magnus and cupped his cheeks with both hands, looking into the warlock's eyes. As soon as he felt Alexander's touch, all of Magnus's worries seemed to wash away. "I would never leave you." Alec continued.

Magnus knew deep down inside that he didn't deserve Alec. But he couldn't stop the relief that coursed through him upon hearing those words. He took a deep breath before bringing him hand up to Alec's and saying, "Then what is it? What's wrong?"

Alec hesitated once again. "Magnus, I can't tell you. At least not yet." He looked at Magnus apologetically but with a gleam in his eye.

Magnus's face fell. "Okay..." He said slowly. "Then when am I going to find out?"

"Soon." Alec said. "Follow me." He slid his hands away from Magnus's face and grabbed one of his hands instead, practically dragging Magnus eagerly behind him. Magnus followed without a word.



"Alexander, where are we going?" Magnus asked for what seemed like the millionth time. So far, him and Alexander had just been roaming around with no particular destination. This was the third time they were crossing the Jade Wolf.

"I already told you, Magnus. I can't tell you." He looked at Magnus apologetically, the mischievous glint appearing in his eyes yet again. He turned around and continued to drag Magnus - who was grumbling under his breath - along.


"Alexander, why are we at my apartment?" Magnus asked Alec. "If we were going to end up here, then why would you....." He trailed off as he heard a strange thumping noise coming from his apartment. "Alexander, what is that?"

This time, Alec turned around with an incredibly huge grin on his face. "You'll find out," was all he said before he pulled Magnus towards his apartment.

When they reached, both boyfriends stood outside the door. Alec looked at Magnus expectantly, as if he was waiting for him to open it. The excitement was barely contained on Alec's face; he looked adorable.

"Okay then." Magnus said, before pushing the door open. The sight in front of him took his breath away. The place had been transformed completely. It was obviously the work of a warlock.

"A-Alexander." Magnus said once he had caught his breath. "What's all this?"

"This, Magnus," Alec said, slightly breathless himself at the sight of the stunning, surprised warlock in front of him, "is me wishing you a happy birthday."

He had hardly gotten the words out before Magnus crashed his lips against Alec's, expressing all the emotions he couldn't put into words. All around them, they heard cheering.

When they pulled away, Magnus held Alec's gaze for a moment. "Thank you." He whispered, his voice teeming with happiness. What had he done to end up with the miracle that was Alec? All these years, all these lovers, and yet this was the first time someone had done something as meaningful as this. "But how did you....?"

"Doesn't matter." Alexander said, smiling at him broadly. "What matters is that you're happy."

"I always am when I'm with you." Magnus said, making Alec blush furiously. "I love you."

"Selamat Ulang Tahun, Magnus." Alexander said. The fact that the shadowhunter has used his native language left Magnus beaming like an idiot. "I love you." The boy continued. "And I always will. No cheating, I promise."

Both of them let out a small chuckle. Magnus could feel the eyes of everyone who was there on them. "People are waiting." Magnus said, tilting his head towards the crowd. Alec simply nodded.

"Well then." Magnus said. He turned around and gestured to the crowd. "What do you say we get this party started?"



there we go, part two of this fic! also, just so you guys know, the "what do you say we get this party started" part (last line) was said in a really enthusiastic way, not just in a casual way.

also also, can we please imagine Magnus in the red suit he was wearing in the latest episode (3x04) cause holy goddamn Harry Shum Jr. wearing that suit could be a show of its own.

anyway, lemme know what you guys thought of this?

(requests are open too)

all the love,

A Little Bit of Chaos, and a Whole Lot of Love | A Collection of Malec One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن