[3] Closer

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"Where to?"

"To my heart."

Jungkook teases. Jimin laughs and pushes the raven haired boy away slightly.

"I'm serious!"

Jimin exclaims with a dumb grin. Jungkook laughs and tugs at Jimin's wrist.

"C'mon my cars parked there."

Jimin lets the younger pull him to his black Lamborghini. Jungkook opens the door for the elder and Jimin immediately hops in.

"I'm sorry i ruined your date with Taehyungie"

Jungkook shakes his head, And looks at Jimin with one hand on the steering wheel. The younger's car practically smelt like Jungkook's cologne and Jimin was drowning.

"It wasn't a date hyung, I just always take Taefuck to his ice cream parlor when i did something bad to him. Which i did. But i regret nothing"

Jungkook says with a giggle, Jimin blinks and nods his head smiling.

Jimin's breathing stopped when Jungkook surged forward, His nose almost touching the others, Jungkook's scent washing over him like a storm, If he would just-- Jimin squirmed and their lips almost touched but before the elder could react Jungkook had already retracted his body and a faint clicking of the seat belt can be heard inside the vehicle.

Jungkook just placed the seat belt on Jimin. Nothing big. But Jimin's heart felt like it was gonna jump out of his chest.

"Safety first."

He hears Jungkook mumble, He catches sight of Jungkook's red ears as the car starts moving but Jimin was too busy calming his heart down to give further notice to Jungkook's sweaty palms, Red cheeks, and equally fast beating heart.

"Right. T-thanks"


"So where do you wanna get the stuff?"

Jimin cocks his head to check for any nearby bookstores. He spots one in the distance.

"There's a bookstore there. We might find some supplies. Wanna go check?"

Jungkook checks his watch and nods.

"Yeah, Lets go."

After a few hours Jungkook and Jimin had already bought all they needed, Supplies carefully tucked into the brown shopping bags Jungkook insisted on holding for Jimin.

"I know it's way past dinner time but do you wanna eat hyungie?"

Right on cue Jimin's stomach grumbles. Jungkook smiles and pulls Jimin to a restaurant.

"My treat, 'Kay?"

Jimin answers the younger with a nod of his head and a grateful smile. They eat their food with a somewhat neverending conversation, Both learning more and more about each other as time passes.

"Oh my god! Taehyung did that?"

Jimin asks with a mouthful of rice. Jungkook nods shoving a piece of meat in his mouth.

"He did, Oh! and don't tell anybody i told you 'kay? He likes Yoongi-hyung!"

Jungkook's voice was broken off in some syllables but Jimin understood it. With another spoonful of rice Jimin tilts his head slightly.


"Oh uh, The one with the Mint hair? That's Yoongi."

"Ooohhh, I'm sorry i'm not really active outside the school that's why i don't really--"

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