[15] Official

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Jimin looks back and sees Jungkook carrying some bag of chips and what looks like banana milk cartons.

"How did you buy all of that? Are you superman or something?"

"Im not, Im YOUR man."

"Go away!"

Jimin giggles, Pushing Jungkook away playfully.

"Ouch, That hurts."

Jimin rolls his eyes a smile playing on his lips.

"So, Where we off to?"

"Who said anything about 'we'?"


"Im kidding, We're going to a place i've grown fond of. I spend most of my time there studying but i usually go there to think."

Jungkook nods his head and follows Jimin. Once they get through the fence on the feild Jimin climbs over it, There was a sign with all bold letter's placed on it. It read 'No trespassing' Jungkook frowns.

"Hyung i dont think we're supossed to go there."

Jimin looks at him like he's grown two heads.



Jimin pauses and squints at Jungkook.

"Are you okay? Wait wait, Are you scared?"

"I-Im not! I-It just might not be safe!"

Jungkook defends himself. Jimin smiles.

"Its okay, Kook. Trust me."

Jungkook sighs and climbs up the fence, Jimin grabs the chips so that the Younger
can maneuver himself better.


Jungkook nods quietly and pats his pants away from dirt. Jimin tugs at the Younger's arm and pulls him through a wide range of trees. Jimin seemed to memorize every small detail about the path they were in so Jungkook relaxes abit. And that, Yeah, He was okay. They were okay. Jungkook took a moment to admire the surroundings.

The sun peeked through the branches of trees and only the faint chirping of birds and flowing water was what he heard. It was calming.

"We're here."

Jimin mutters, Letting go of the younger hand and finding shade under the tree.
Jungkook stands still for a moment, Eyes wide and in awe. The place they were in was what looked like a small garden. There were various types of flowers lined in a delicate manner, A huge oak tree in the middle of it all. Infront of the oak tree was a small cliff, Below it was quite a view. As opposed to the woods they past through with mostly dead trees, The woods below the cliff were all green and healthy trees and what looked like some sort of lake.

"You gonna stand there or you gonna sit with me?"

Jungkook snaps out of his daze and looks at Jimin.


Jimin pats at the grass beside him and Jungkook follows. Taking off his leather jacket in the process. Jimin was already sipping on the banana milk Jungkook had bought and was shoving chips in his mouth.

"How did you find this?"

Jungkook asks, Opening his banana milk and sipping on it too.

"Let's just say that im an adventurous person."

"Its beautiful."

"Quite the sight, Yeah?"

Jungkook nods his head and steals some chips for himself.

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