[49] Forever

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"Alright Jimin, You stay the fuck in your seat i'll be right back okay? DONT FUCKING MOVE OR YOUR MAKE UP WILL GET RUINED! DONT EVEN STAND UP! I WILL LITERALLY PUNCH YOU!"

"But Tae--"

"No! Fucking shut up, I'll be quick okay? Stupid flower crown."

Taehyung mutters, Rushing out of the room with a frown. Jimin sighs, Sinking in his seat and looking at his reflection in the mirror. He did look good, Ofcourse he did. Taehyung insisted that he would do Jimin's make-up because he apparently 'knew' Jimin's face better than anyone else. Not that Jimin minded, He was okay with anything honestly.

Taehyung went out to get his flower crown and the bouquet he was supposed to hold during the wedding because the delivery was delayed (fucking delivery man--) and so Jimin is left in the dressing room while his friend sets off to fetch his necessities. He fixes the necklace Jungkook had gave him for their anniversary with the mirror as his guide and smiles softly. They were finally doing it, They were getting married. Jimin couldnt wait. The door opens and Jimin lets go of the necklace to fix his left earing.

"That was fast, Tae. Hey are we done? I should probably wear my shirt already right? Should i---"

He gets abruptly pulled of from his seat before he can even speak. Jimin yelps in shock and suddenly there were a bunch of insistent lips pressing against his own. Jimin's eyes flutter shut because of the wave of familiarity within the kiss.



Jimin starts when they separate.


Jungkook shushes, His eyes closed with their foreheads pressed against each other. Jimin giggles quietly, Reaching up to intertwine his fingers with Jungkook's own that was cupping his left cheek.

"Taehyung will KILL you. He said we shouldnt see each other!"

"I dont care about him, I needed to see you before i go out there."

"Stupid, You'll see me either way."

Jungkook chuckles at the finger that pokes his nose.

"Its different when we're alone. Why arent you dressed yet? You should dress up."

"I was about to until you came barging in here."

"I just came quickly, Yoongi will murder me when he notices im gone. I just sneaked out for you."

"So im the bad guy?"

The couple giggles against each others lips, Savoring the little time they had with each other.

"Dont forget your vows out there okay, love?"

Jungkook mumbles under his breath, Looking back at the door. He was reluctant to part with Jimin but he also wanted this over quickly.

"I wont. You should practice yours too, M'kay?"

"Sir yes sir!"

Jimin smiles, Kissing Jungkook quickly and straightening his soon to be husbands jacket.

"Get out, Baby. I'll see you later, kay? We have plenty of time to ourselves in our honeymoon."

"Cant wait."

Jungkook says with a suggestive wiggle of his brows, Jimin laughs at him and yells out a quick 'iloveyou' Jungkook says it back. Once Jungkook was out the door he quickly changes his clothes and settles back on the seat. Taehyung enters with a frustrated expression, Walking towards Jimin and clipping the flower crown on the mans head securely with a bunch of bobby pins. Taehyung picks up a coral blush and takes some of the product using a brush.

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