[41] Fine

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"Jimin, Hey? Where are you going? Its late."

Jin asks, Brows furrowed as he sees his friend stuggle to put his coat on. Jimin bites his lip.

"I-Im gonna find Jungkook. I wont be able to sleep. Its my fault we fought, So i should fix it."

"Cant it wait for tomorrow Jimin? Like is said its late. Its dangerous out. Just call him?"

"My batteries dead."

"Use my phone, Jimin. And plug in your phone while you're still here. Please. You might get in trouble."

"Okay, I'll call but... But i'll still find him okay?"

"Sure, Jimin."

Jin grabs his phone and passes it to his bestfriend. Jimin takes in a shaky breath as sits on the couch. He dials Jungkook's number and taps his foot on the floor impatiently.

"Pick up, pick up."

Jimin chants under his breath.

(Hey! This is Jungkook- Baby shh, Im recording a voicemail.-- Hey! Its jungkook! Please leave a message after the beep-beeeeep!-- Jimin!)

With the situation at hand, Jimin didnt even have time to smile because of Jungkook's ridiculous voicemail courtesy of him.

"Shit. Fuck."

Jimin curses, Returning Jin's phone to him. Jimin grabs his own which was 15% charged, Dialing Taehyung's number at his failed attempt to call his own boyfriend. The latter picks up after two rings.


"Tae, oh my god thank god you answered. Where's Jungkook? Is he okay? Have you seen him? Is he---"

(Slow down. Jungkook's okay just...)


Jimin urges on, Biting his finger.

(Just drunk---Shit Yoongi! Dodge you idiot!)

"Where are you guys? Im gonna go there."

(This late, Jimin? Just wait for tomorrow! We'll be okay!)

"No Tae, Im going now. Text me the address. Please."

(Alright okay, Just be careful on your way here. We'll keep Jungkook uhm... i dunno calm?)

"He's already throwing shit. I doubt he's even calm right now."

Jimin mumbles, Hooking his shoes on and waving Goodbye to Jin.

(I mean, there are worse times-- JUNGKOOK! DONT FUCKING TOUCH THAT!)

Jimin speed walks towards the sidewalk and hops on a bus that was already leaving. He sighs when he settles down on his seat. Phone tightly pressed in his ear as he a string of curses were being screamed on the other line. Jimin rests his head on the glass window of the bus and rubs his tired eyes.

He hoped Jungkook wasnt mad at him for shit.


"Tae? Im here?"

(Shit okay. Give me a second Jimin. Jungkook disappeared just now. He's drunk and he'll do something stupid if we dont find him.)

"What? How can you lose that giant?!"

Jimin hisses. He runs a hand through his hair with his brows furrowed. He didnt hear the wolf whistles from his back. Ofcourse that was already given. I mean, It is a club afterall. And it wouldnt be complete without those Horny assholes lurking outside the bar either drunk as fuck or high as fuck.

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