[35] Vacation

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With one last look in the mirror Jimin turns away from his reflection and stares at his sleeping boyfriend fondly.

Last night was absolutely wonderful for the both of them and the memory would be forever engraved in their hearts and minds, And yeah.

Jimin and Jungkook had maybe made love.


(The hickeys on Jimin's neck provide enough proof.)

Lies aside, Jimin did enjoy last night as much as Jungkook did. And he was thankful that they didnt fuck too hard to the point that he was limping.

When he said made love, It was exactly as it is. Its not that I'm-Horny-Let's-Fuck type of thing, Jungkook actually took his time last night. Though Jimin would spare the other details for himself because what happened last night was his secret to keep. (Even though he was too loud that their room neighbors probably heard him anyways)

Anyways, Now that their anniversary is done, All thats left was for all of them to have fun and take time to relax exactly like how a vacation should be. Jimin figured, Taking pictures with his brother would be a good start. Besides, He did miss Hoseok having not talked for awhile, Just the two of them. Honestly it was half Jimin's fault and Half Jungkook's. They share the blame in this.

That being said, Jimin woke up abit earlier, althought he was (very) reluctant to get out of bed. But Jungkook could be without him for just awhile, Just for awhile ofcourse. That leads us to the present, Hoseok waiting for him in the hallway by their hotel room door and Jimin fixing his hair and such.

"Jimin? You coming?"

"You go ahead Hoseok-hyung. I'll just say bye to Jungkook."

"Alright, Just dont take too long."

Jimin hums, Pushing the covers up on Jungkook's barechest slightly.

"Jungkook, Baby?"

Jungkook groans, His eyebrows scrunching up as he feels Jimin shake his shoulder lightly.

"Hey, Im just gonna go out for awhile with Hoseok-hyung by the beach. Were just gonna take pictures, okay?"

Jungkook mumbles something that Jimin took as a yes.

"I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast, Dont oversleep."

Jimin whispers, Pressing a light kiss on Jungkook's forehead and waltzing out of their room. He made sure to leave a note just incase Jungkook didnt actually understand him, He wasnt even half conscious when Jimin asked permission. It was acceptable.

"You ready to go?"

Hoseok asks with a smile, His other hand held a camera. Jimin grins and nods, Pocketing his phone and linking their arms together.

"Lets go!"


Jungkook woke up with his annoying ringtone blasting through the speakers of his phone. Wait wait what? He never set an alarm.

"Baby turn off the alarm."

Jungkook grumbles, he throws his arm on Jimin's waist but instead of feeling the skin of his boyfriend he felt a satin pillow case.

Jungkook frowns with his eyes closed while his hand searches for Jimin,He ends up with nothing. He pops one eye open, And where Jimin was supposed to be was now empty and cold, And replacing his boy

"What the fuck?"

Jungkook rolls on his back forcefully only to realize he was naked. And damn, What Jungkook thought was a dream was actually real. Jimin left with Hoseok to take pictures.

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