[5] Thoughts

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Jungkook woke up to the rustling of a plastic bag, The sound abnoxiously ringing in his ears, so he lets out a groan.

"You awake?"


"Fuck you. My head feels like its gonna explode. Help hyung!"

Jungkook whines still slightly groggy and pinches the bridge of his nose to somehow relieve the pain.

"I DID help you. I offered you my umbrella and you didnt take it. You didn't listen! Now look what you did to yourself!"

"You sound like my dead grandmother. What's in there?"

Jungkook says pointing to the plastic bag. Taehyung takes out a few white boxes with a bunch of words on it.

"I got you medicine, But i cant give it to you yet. Jimin told me NOT to give it to you until after he's done feeding you."

"He's still here?"

Jungkook whispers, He glances at the clock and squints at it. 11:57 pm. Its so late, He should go home.

"Yeah he is. And he isnt gonna leave any time soon. I mentioned something to him about you being alone."

Jungkook scoffs.

"Will you tell the maids to leave when you get out of here? They need their rest. And also, Im ALWAYS alone hyung. Nothing changes in this stupid fucking house."

Jungkook spits out, Pushing himself up against the headboard despite his weak arms.

"Sure. And listen kook, You're not now. Jimin's pretty insistent. I told him i would take care of you but he wouldn't listen."

"Its late. You should take him home."

Jungkook says and licks his pale, cracked lips and sneezing right after that.

"Im not going anywhere until you're feeling better."

Jungkook pops his left eye open when Jimin enter the room with a bowl of porridge, a glass of water and another bowl filled what looked like sliced fruits.

"I am feeling bett---Achoo"

Jimin raises his eyebrow while Taehyung laughs in the side.

"You were saying?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"Seriously hyung, Go home. I'll take care of myself. I usually do."

The last part was in a hushed whisper. Jungkook didnt even know why he was pushing Jimin away but the truth is he just wanted to be pampered and taken care of. He never got attention, Not ever. His parents were always busy working so Jungkook kinda lived up to the idea that whenever he was sick, He just needed to take care of himself. Of course he could've asked his gang to take care of him but, Jungkook was shy. He was very VERY shy.


Jimin says, Popping the 'p'before turning to Taehyung with a small smile.

"Taetae, Thankyou for buying Kookie medicine."

"No problem cutie, Hey, You think you can take care of this baboon? I think my sister is looking for me already."


"You stayin the night?"

"If Jungkook's okay with it, then yes. Besides, My apartments empty, My friend's staying over his family's house this weekend. So i'll be alone."

Taehyung grins.

"Thats good then! Im sure Jungkook will be okay with it?"

Jimin places the tray of food on Jungkook's bedside table, grabbing the medicine boxes and reading over the label's. Once he was satisfied he looked over Jungkook who was staring at him through his bangs.

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