[48] Will you marry me?

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"Are you ready for this kookie?"

"Dont. Dont fucking talk to me."

Jungkook snaps, His leg furiously moving up and down as he tries to steady his breath.

"Woah okay, Sorry man."

Taehyung says with a snicker, Jungkook mumbles a small fuck you. He wipes his sweat with the back of his hand and groans. He rasps out a bunch of curses under his breath, His heart unsuccessfuly calming down.

"What the fuck. What the fuck. Im not fucking ready Jesus fucking Christ. Dont fuck up, Jeon Jungkook. Im gonna fucking--"


Jimin asks, His head popping out from the doorframe of Taehyung's, Hoseok's and Yoongi's room.


Jungkook screams out, throwing the box quickly somewhere at the bed. Jimin raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend with Taehyung cackling in the background.


"Uh... I was just gonna say that we're about to land in a few minutes... What did you throw?"

Jimin asks suspisciously. Jungkook jumps at the question, He answered too fast for his own good.


"Jungkook, you do know your phone is right on your lap, right?"

Jungkook winces muttering a soft 'shit' under his breath. He looks down at his lap and chuckles akwardly.

"Oh, Haha! I knew that."

(Taehyung was fucking dying in laughter)

"Oh..... kay? Look babe, I'm gonna go get the luggage okay? Call me if you need me?"

"I will!"

Jungkook squeeks out, He lets out a breath when the door closes again. Taehyung was choking on air, Jungkook growls at him, Grabbing his phone and hitting Taehyung square on the nose.

The groan of pain he gets in response was music to his ears.


As soon Jimin feels the boat stop, He stands up and double checks their room if they left anything important. Once he does, He walks out and closes the door, His phone clutched by his other hand. Namjoon had insisted on taking Jimin and Jungkook's luggage and Jimin willingly accepts the help. He walks towards the exit of the boat when he realizes that it was already empty.

"What the fuck?"

Jimin mumbles under his breath, He goes down the boat and looks around for any familiar faces, When he finds none he frowns deeply.

"Are they still--"

His phone beeps, Jungkook's contact flashing on the phone. It was a text message. He wasted no time on checking it.

From: Babyyy❤❤❤

Jiminieeeee? I went down the boat already. Can you go meet me at the coffee shop over the bridge? We all decided to buy drinks. See you there baby boy

Sent 1:47 am

Jimin sighs in relief at that message. So he was just a slowpoke wasnt he? He closes his phone and walks directly towards the crossing bridge from the other side of the dock. He sees a small boy running towards him holding a bouquet of different colored roses. Jimin squints--Is that raven hair? Jungmi--


Jimin screams out, Running towards the boy to confirm his suspiscions. Jungmin grins at him, Rising to his tippy toes and holding the flowers out to Jimin.

Opposite's Attract || JikookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora