[14] Family

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"Alright Jimin, Are you ready yet?"

"Hyung no! Give me a sec okay?"

"You've been i there for an hour already! Just let me in so i can help!"

Jimin mutters a 'fine' and drags Hoseok into his room, Jimin was naked, Only a towel hanging loosely on his waist as he whines about what to wear.

"Seriously? I expected you to be doing make up because you've been in here long enough, Its just a damn welcome party."

"Yeah! But Jungkook's gonna be there!"

"I dont fucking care about you and your boyfriend! I have to set up MY booth there too you know!"

"Im not even sure if he is my boyfriend."

Jimin mumbles out lowly in disappointment.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You've been kissing and going out for awhile and your telling me he's not your boyfriend? What is he then? A fuckbuddy?! Friends?! No goddamn way! You should have some sort of label! Jimin, Even a damn dog would expect you guys to have SOMETHING going on."

Hoseok lets out a dissapproving grumble, Picking out a red striped shirt and a pair of ripped Jeans and a black belt.

"There! Hurry up and get dressed so i can put make up on you."

Jimin does, Wears everything and looks at himself through his full lenght mirror. Hoseok rummages through his stuff to grab make-up and splays everything on Jimin's bed.

"Come on Jimin, We're running out of time. Hurry up! come on!"

Hoseok yells out, Grabbing his brother by the belt and dragging him to sit on the bed. Once he has settled the tangerine haired boy started applying make up quickly.

"Okay okay your done, Up you go!"

Jimin scrambles up to grab the stuf and rushes to his drawer, Shoving Taehyung's make up in it and hurriedly wearing a necklace. He grabs his snapback and hurriedly grabs his phone and earphones.


"Jungkook where are you going?"

"The feild? Is Jimin there?"

Jungkook asks Taehyung. Taehyung shakes his head.

"No, Hoseok-hyung has his own booth set up in the gym. Surely Jimin is there helping him!"

"Is Yoongi and the other's there yet?"

"Yeah, Also in the gym snacking on hotdogs."

"Alright lets go."

Jungkook agrees and jogs to catch up with Taehyung. Once they get to the gym, Jungkook is greeted by a lot of people, Not too much, Just enough to make the room crowded. He spots his gang on some bleachers on the gym snacking on said hotdogs, Chatting and Joking around. Taehyung gestures for Jungkook to come with him but Jungkook declines, With full intent of looking for Jimin.

He spots the bubblegum hair not too soon enough from a food booth, Buying what looks like waffle fries and ice cream.

"Jimin hyung!"

Jungkook calls out, A smile breaking into his face. Taehyung gets to where the gang was and ushers them all to watch how fucked Jungkook was.

"Dude, Id pay millions to see our leader go soft."

Mark remarks, Slapping away Jacksons arm that was trying to poke his eyelid. Jaebum snickers.

"True. But i cant imagine the mighty Jungkook go fucking sappy infront of our eyes."

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