[16] Together

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"Do you want to eat anywhere?"

"Mm... Lets go to your house. I'll cook for you?"

"Oh really?"

Jimin hums, nuzzling his head closer to Jungkook's neck. Jungkook was giving him a piggyback ride just because Jimin was feeling tired and wanted to cling to his boyfriend. Damn. That felt good.

"I thought you were feeling tired?"

"Never too tired for you."

Jimin mumbles sleepily. Jungkook thinks his heart just swelled abit more. Jungkook reaches back and gives Jimin his leather jacket. The elder drapes it on his shoulder and continues to hide is face on the crook of Jungkook's neck.


Jungkook screams out, Waving happily at Jimin's older brother. Hoseok smiles.

"Hi Jungkookie, How'd it go?"

Jungkook grins cheekily.

"Why dont you ask my boyfriend, Hyung?"

Hoseok breaks into a wide smile. He was the only one who knew that Jungkook was going to ask Jimin to be his boyfriend and make everything official. Ofcoure he was the first one to know, Jungkook had to ask permission from him first before making the move.

"Wait wait, He knew about this?"

Jimin asks in surprise, Head now hooking over Jungkook's chin to glare at his brother. Hoseok chuckles.

"Sorry Jiminie, I was the first to know. Jungkook is a good boy and even asked for my permission."

Jimin pouts but makes no move to protest.

"Where are you guys off to?"

"Jimin said that he would cook for me Hoseok-hyung, So im gonna have to borrow him for awhile. I'll return him to you tomorrow morning."

"I'll let you know that---"

Both of them ignores Jimin's weak protests and Hoseok cuts his brother off.

"Just have him back in one piece! Have fun~"

Jungkook nods his head enthusiastically and starts walking.

"Oh and Jimin!"

Jungkook feels his boyfriend whip his head back to look at Hoseok.

"Use protection!"


Jimin screams out in shock, Face heating up. Jungkook snorts.

"You guys are the freaking worst."


"Babe let me unlock the door first."

Jimin giggles out a 'fine' he hops off Jungkook's back so the younger can open the door faster.

"Where's the scary butler i met here?"

Jimin asks, Looking around he noticed that no one seemed to be at home unlike the other time he went here, It was basically a ghost mansion.

"The people who work here, They're all on vacation. So i'll be alone for awhile."

"Really? Want me to stay with you for company?"

Jimin thinks out loud, Jungkook pecks his boyfriend's lip and smiles.

"That sounds like a great idea, But we have to ask your brother okay?"

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