[13] Feelings

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"Did you eat lunch yet?"

Jungkook asks, Feet swinging on the table of the nurse. Jimin washes his hands and throws some stuff he used in tending patients.

"I havent, Get down Jungkook."

Jimin mumbles out, Pulling Jungkook off the table by his arm and grabbing his bag.

"Lets go out okay? I'll just change."

Jimin says, And walks to the bathroom. Jungkook stays frozen in place eyes wide and mouth agape.

He asked me out.

He fucking asked me out.

Before Jungkook couldt starts Jumping around and squeeling, Namjoon interrupts.

"Hey Jungkook, Me and Jin-hyung will go eat lunch out, See you later!"

Namjoon exclaims and walks out the clinic, Tugging Jin with him. Jungkook's phone vibrates. Taehyung.

From: Taehyung (HYUNG)
Sent: 11:48 am

Hey, You going with me and Yoongi-hyung? We're going to the mall.

To: Taehyung (HYUNG)
Sent: 11:50 am.

You guys go ahead. Jimin-hyung asked me out If your lucky we'll bump into each other

After that, Jungkook pockets his phone and picks waits patiently for Jimin to return. Once the latter had went back out Jungkook had his legs crossed and was picking on the bowl full of candy placed on top of the Nurse's desk. He grabs a lollipop and carelessly throws the wrapper on the floor before sticking the candy into his mouth, Jimin opens the bathroom door and his eyes land on Jungkook and then the floor and then the lollipop (Or Jungkook's lips. Oh come on, Can't he dream for once? Dont make that face!) and then back to Jungkook's face. He folds his arms and glares at Jungkook. Jungkook raised his shoulders in question.

"Pick that up."

Jimin taps his foot on the floor impatiently and gives Jungkook a knowing look. Jungkook huffs, Picks up the wrapper and mutters a quick apology before pocketing the plastic. Jimin flashes him a smile and walks forward, He pushes his hand out for Jungkook to take and the younger accepts it eagerly. They both walk out of the campus with intertwined fingers and dazzling smiles with no destination yet.

"Where are we eating?"

Jimin asks, He was now scrolling through his tumblr account while they were walking. Jungkook peers over to look at what Jimin was looking and frowns when he sees an unfamiliar face on Jimin's phone. Jimin did the mistake of tapping the heart icon and even going as far as sharing the picture with a bunch of heart emojis, Unaware of the Jealousy bubbling at the pit of Jungkook's stomach. The younger glares at the picture and looks at Jimin, Who was now staring at him with evident amusement in his eyes, Bottom lip stuck between his teeth.

"Who's that?"

Jimin giggles.

"Oh him? he's from this Kpop group named Bangtan, Their this group of amazingly talented boys! His stage name is Seagull, He's so adorable and hot and so so so talented!"

Jimin screams, Feeling his fanboy side slip out unconsciously. Jungkook rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"Fuck him, Im totally hotter."


Jimin teases bumping Jungkook by his shoulder. Jungkook pouts.

"Why would i be jealous? Im way better than him anyways."

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