[47] Practice

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"Sit down."

Jungkook ushers, Pushing Jimin slightly inside the round sofa. Jimin looks at his boyfriend weirdly.

"Baby, Calm down! Why are you suddenly so eager?"

"Nothing, Nothing!"

Jungkook stammers, He sits down accross of Jimin, The bar in the cruise filled with chatter and shot glasses colliding with each other. The lights were dim and music was blasting through the speakers. A few people were midlessly dancing in the dance floor, but Jungkook mutes everything else and pays attention to the voice of Taehyung shouting something to Hoseok but repeating it because the music was too loud, In a way it distracted him and it made him calm down. Jungkook gulps thickly, His throat feeling parched, Droplets of sweat forms on his forehead despite the AC blasting inside the closed space.

He wasnt all riled up because he was proposing now, No. The plan was just to get Jimin very drunk and ask him to marry him, kind of like a dry run. So Jungkook would be sure he'd say yes. Despite all those reassurances ando everyone telling him theres no way Jimin could reject him, He was still worried. What if Jimin isnt ready? What if its too fast? What if he doesnt want to get married? Thoughts like those would flow through his mind and it would just leave him a mess. After all, He was proposing to the man he wanted to marry ever since they started the realtionship and he loves this man too much that he doesnt want to fuck anything up at all. He's so over his young and reckless stage.

"Jungkook? Jungkook! Baby! Whats wrong?"

Jungkook snaps out of his daze, How the hell did Jimin manage to sit beside him?


Jimin's frown deepens, He reaches up and wipes the cold sweat on Jungkook's forehead.

"Babe, Are you not feeling well? We can just go back to the room and---"

"No no! No im fine! Just... Just a little dizzy."

"Here, Drink water."

Jimin mumbles, Pecking the boy's lips quickly before passing a glass of water to him. Jungkook gulps it down greedily, Even coughs a little after he had emptied the cup. Jimin frowns, Pressing his palm and the back of his hand on Jungkook's neck.

"You sure you're okay? You dont have a fever, That's for sure."

"Jimin babe, Im okay! Let's just.. enjoy, yeah? I might have just ate something bad."

Jungkook passes an 'S. O. S.' look to Jin and the older immediately picks up on it.

"Jimin! I think that your favorite cocktail is served here!"

Jimin perks up at that.

"It is? Wait.. That's kinda strong though, If i get too drunk i might not be able to look after Jungkook--"

"Nonsense! Jungkook is a big boy, He can hadle his own shit! Order 10 glasses of that cocktail, My treat."

Jimin's eyes widen at Taehyung's exclamation.

"10 glasses?! Tae--"

"Its okay, Hyung."

Jimin freezes at Jungkook's soft voice from beside him.

"Go drink, I'll be fine. Maybe even get a shot or two alil' bit later."

Jimin hesitates for a good second.


"Im sure, Love."


"Can i just say that Jungkook's plan was a flop?"

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