[26] Tension

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"Jungkook we need your help here."

Taehyung stresses out, A hand on his forehead. They were currently trying to finalize some plans and things they need to do to bring this stupid gang down.

"Fuck it all."

Jungkook growls, Returning his eyes to the message he sent to Jimin last Morning.

To: My property ❤

Goodmorning beautiful. Please dont forget to eat breakfast okay? You need nutrition baby. Alright? I love you. ❤

Sent 6:39 am √

"Jungkookie, Seriously. We cant make a move or do anything without you confirming. Please try to get your head in the game, If we dont make a move right now, The Scorpions will get the upper hand."

Namjoon carefully utters, Jungkook runs his hand through his hair and huffs.

"Jungkook please. The sooner we get this finished the sooner you can see Jimin again."

Yoongi follows, Jungkook scowls at his phone and tosses it on the table.

"I just dont fucking get why he didnt fucking reply. Is he fucking mad or something?"

Jungkook grits out.

"Maybe he was just busy?"

Yugyeom supplies, Jungkook roles his eyes in response.

"Jimin's never been too busy for me. He would atleast reply."

No one talks after that, Jungkook just got angrier.

"This is fucking bullshit."

Jungkook kicks the nearest surface (Which was Taehyung's leg) with annoyance.

"OW fuck!"

"Fuck all of this. Fuck everyone involved. Fucking son of a fucking--"

"Excuse me?"

A voice cuts in Jungkook's, It was familiar but not one of his members. Jungkook whips his head back, eyes wide.

It was Jin.

The elder was carrying a baby blue lunchbox. A stack of books and his backpack over his shoulder.


Namjoon exclaims, Happily waving.

"Hey Joonie."

Jin greets back with a smile in return, Namjoon's friends mock him by copying the said boy's voice. Namjoon ducks his head while the boys laugh.

Jin checks his wristwatch in panic and clicks his tounge. Jungkook was just blankly staring at Jin expecting him to tell the reason as to why he was in the rooftop.

"Look im in a hurry because i have class in 5. Jimin just told me to give this to Jungkook so here."

Jin gives the lunchbox to Jungkook and bids farewell, Sprinting out of the rooftop with a rushed 'shit', The younger boy looks down to inspect the lunchbox. A sticky note was ontop of it that Jungkook recognized immediately.

It was the same sticky note Jimin used for their weeksary gift. How can he forget?

He runs his fingers through the cloth of the lunchbox and squints to read the neat scribblings of Jimin's handwriting on the blue peice of paper.

Hi baby! I did eat breakfast so dont worry about that. Worry about your own health, I cooked you lunch so please eat well. Stay healthy so you can be an awsome gangster okay? My gangster. ❤

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