[44] Relax

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"Ahh! Kookie isnt this too much?"

"Jimin! Stay still!"

"Im fucking trying to! Just pull it out!"

"Okay cant okay? Its stuck there!"

"Oh my god babe! It hurts just hurry!"

"Im trying my best! Stop wiggling so i can finish!"

"Im not even wiggling!"

"You are! Stop it!"

"Just pull it out you idiot!"

"I cant if you---"


Taehyung screeches, Barging in the room. Faced backwards. They both freeze in place.


"The fuck Tae?"

Jungkook asks with a frown, His hands stopping from twisting the stuck ring on Jimin's finger. It wasnt their promise ring, it was one of Jungkook's old rings that Jimin found in the younger's drawer. He placed it on his finger and it got stuck. Jimin's eyebrows raise and his face flushes.

Their conversation probably sounded so wrong.

Jungkook looks at his boyfriend and his mouth forms an 'O'

"TAEHYUNG! What the fuck! You have such a dirty ass mind!"

Jungkook screams, Taehyung turns around to retort but his crotch gets hit but the stress ball Jungkook threw his way. He crumbles to the floor howling in pain and Jimin starts laughing from Jungkook's desk. Jungkook snorts himself.

"Fuck! Fuck you Jeon Jungkook! If i dont get babies i will fucking kill you!"

"Sure you will."

Jungkook says, Knowing how much of an empty threat that was. Jimin taps his boyfriends shoulder and Jungkook resumes to pull the ring out of Jimin's finger.

Ignoring Taehyung's whines in the background.


"So how's work with Jimin?"


Jungkook says through a mouthful of confectioners sugar and donut. Taehyung cringes, Avoiding the white powder that spits out from Jungkook's mouth. He mutters a low 'gross' and throws a paper towel on Jungkook's face. Jimin had to leave to get some papers for Jungkook to sign and cancel Jungkook's latest meeting.

"How's the... You know!"


Jungkook asks, Frowning at Taehyung's suggestive gaze.

"The thing!"

"What thing?"

"Youre proposal?"

"What proposal?"

Jimin asks, entering the room. Taehyung freezes and Jungkook chokes on his donut.

"Oh my god, Kooks! You okay?"

Jimin screeches worriedly. Rushing towards his boyfriend and making him drink water while patting his back. Jungkook swallows, Tears brimming on his eyes.


Jimin asks in concern, Jungkook shakes his head and coughs. Taehyug carefully grabs his coat and coughs akwardly.

"Oh! Would you look at the time, See you guys later!!!"

"Tae! You're leaving? Can i come with you? Let me just change, I have class in 2!"

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