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"Good morning Jade, slept well last night?" I glance at the nurse who smiles at me checking up on my chart. Too exhausted to say anything I groan as my sore muscles refuses to let me relax.

"When can I see the doctor?" I ask her plainly.

"He will come visit you after breakfast. Are you comfortable, do you need something?" She asks. I shake my head and stare blankly at the television. Shouldn't I at least remember when exactly I ended up here if not how?

"How long have I been here?" I ask her.

"It has been a while Jade, but you will get better. Don't worry about it." With that she leaves for her ward rounds. As soon as she is gone I quickly change to the news channel. March 19, it says as I flick from one channel to another. The harder I stare at the news channel the more confused I get, as the local news man continue to speak in fluent German the only question that revolves in my mind is how on earth did in end up in Switzerland?

My thoughts are interrupted as Doctor Hunziker walks in with a fellow doctor and the nurse. He takes a seat besides my bed and asks the nurse some random questions.

"How you feeling today?" He directs his question at me.

"I'd say I've been better, but I don't remember" I say.

"Yes...I believe there's a lot that you need to know. But let's start with the basics shall we?"

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were in an accident; you had a traumatic brain injury. You were brought here in a sever condition. The part of your brain that is responsible for memories 'The Temporal region' required surgery which was successfully performed. But we had to make sure that there weren't any complications post-surgery like swelling. So we have put you on medically induced coma, it means that we gave you controlled dose of anesthetic to help you heal physically." I looked at him puzzled.

He further explained "I understand that right now you are scared and confused. But give it some time, temporary amnesia after such a major surgery is quite common. We will work with you through all the process. We will try our best to help you bring back to your normal self."

"Right now what you need is to get better, you need to regain your strength back and your body needs to heal physically."

"Wait...you said I was in coma, for how long?" I asked.

He pursed his lips before answering "For four consecutive weeks."

I could feel my insides screaming, all of this is too much to take in. Doctor Hunziker talks further about few tests that he wants to conduct as I try to breathe normally. "But what does it mean?" I wonder out loud.

"I don't remember, I don't know how to react. Where's my family? Do I even have one? What's going to happen now?" I ask desperately.

"Jade, don't take too much stress. You'll come around. It's a slow and frustrating process but you will recover from it." The doctor tells me reassuringly. As soon as I heard my name out loud my heart fluttered. The doctor noticing the shift in my attitude asks me if I remembered something.

"I'm not sure...I kind of...There's something wrong." I say frantically.

"Jasper...I don't know...Who is Jasper?" I ask them.

They look as clueless as I do. "Is that someone you remember?" The doctor asked and I say no.

"That name just stuck to my mind when I learned that name is Jade." I said massaging my temples as the throbbing in my head was increasingly becoming unbearable.

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