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It's wooden box, as soon as I got home after the wedding I opened the package that was delivered to me but I don't have the key to it. Why the devil on earth would someone send me a box and not give a key to it. Unless they just want me to keep the box safe? But they who? I rack my brain trying to remember anything remotely related to the package in all the time I was with Jasper when he worked.

The memories are a little fuzzy, the pills that doctor prescribed me makes me loopy and that's why I decided that if I have to find Jasper I have to lay off the pills. No one else is helpful, especially Mark and Megan which is weird because Mark was Jasper's best friend.

"Jade...are you even listening to what I'm saying?" I abruptly drop my fork and turn to face my mother.


She sighs. "Why aren't you eating honey? Does this not taste good?"

I'm currently having a painfully slow dinner at my mom and dad's house. I knew if I didn't show up to their place soon they would end up on mine, which is the last thing I want at the moment. Considering I have all of my evidences relating to Jasper lying around in my room. I really need to find a safer place for all that stuff, I thought.

"So you will do it then?" She asks me again slightly annoyed.

"I will do it yes." I answer almost robotically.

I lean against the chair and ask my cousin who's standing above me "What am I saying yes to?" I whisper.

I lean against the chair and ask my cousin who's standing above me "What am I saying yes to?" I whisper

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Nick chuckles "Art installation for one of uncle David's current business partner." He informs me.

"And that would be?" I ask dreading the answering that I'm going to get.

"Roy Coleman."

I internally groan and roll my eyes. I really should've asked before saying yes. It has been two weeks...fourteen whole days since I last saw Roy, spoke to him or even thought of him. Megan and Mark are gone on their honeymoon, I've only been hanging out with Simon and occasionally Brain who swore to never hook up with me again because I'm freaky as shit. His words not mine.

"Mr. Coleman certainly loved the work you did for Megan's wedding. It's wonderful for you darling, you will get so much exposure from doing this." My mother rambles on as I look across the room at nothing in particular.

"Why don't you stay here tonight? We can do movie night like we use to when you were little." Dad suggests me.

I see him, and I can see that he tries; he really does. Try to maintain the dynamics of the family. He loves his wife more than anything but he is corrupted still. He wasn't a bad person per se, but he wasn't an honest man either. His profession made sure he'd keep himself before others and profit from things that are illegal.

"I have to prepare for meeting Mr. Coleman; I should start working on that." I lie.

He nods "You should visit more often, your mom misses you a lot."

"I know."

In reality I wanted to say are you sure she doesn't miss bossing me around? But I don't say it out loud. Lately I've come to realize that I'm not supposed to speak my mind, solely because I don't know whether or not to trust the person. They all are hiding something, I am too.

I bid my goodbye to the family and drive back home, I see from the rearview mirror that a car is following me. Someone needs to learn that I'm not a child and I don't need a babysitter. I pull over on the side of the road and car behind me slows down. Getting out of the car I pick up Simone's baseball bat that he left in my car.

The headlights are too strong so I can't make out who's inside the car. The right headlight of the vehicle comes off as soon as the bad makes contact with it. I take another swing with force and break the other headlight.

"Tell your boss, if there's something I'll be breaking next time then it'll be your tiny balls." I yell.

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