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"Atonement" I said out loud.

"Pardon Miss?" The cab driver mumbled.

"You are a believer." I said looking at the picture of Christ that was hanging in the front of his cab.

"Oh...Yes. It's kind of new for me." He admitted.

"How did you find God?"

"I didn't, he found me." The man said smiling.

"Then how did he find you?" I ask him.

He looks at me hesitantly and then answers "I was in the dark since my father passed away. Then one day I just understood why, why he was taken away from me. And he made me realize my purpose." He said smiling.

"Are you in peace now?" I ask him.

"It's a work in progress." He informs me.

"Are you a believer as well?" He asks me after a while.

"Not in the conventional sense, no." I say honestly.

"You must believe in something." He said amused.

"I do...that's what I'm trying to get back to." I say looking at Jasper's photograph.

He was my atonement, my reconciliation with truth. The irony was that people usually made things right in order to gain peace, I on the other hand was trying to...in all honesty I have no idea what I was trying to do.

As I'm about to get home, I turn my phone on so I could see what was the damage done for the day. Numerous text messages and voice mail from Simone, Megan and Adrian. I listen to them one by one.

*You need to let me know where the hell you are right now.* - Megan.

*Jade...Adrian is wondering where the hell you teleported to when you literally were surrounded with the guards. Call me soon unless you're lying dead somewhere on the side of the road. I swear you're driving everyone fucking ceazy.* - Simone.

I told the driver to stop and got out of the cab. My stomach growled and I realized I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday. What's one more day without food; I thought and went inside the building.

My steps came to a halt when I saw Roy sharing a kiss with a woman I've never seen in the hallway.

My steps came to a halt when I saw Roy sharing a kiss with a woman I've never seen in the hallway

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"Jade." Roy said coldly.

The woman standing beside him smiled at me. "So this is Jade Wolf?" She commented taking a good look at me.

I looked down at myself and shrugged, my clothes were dirty from searching the key in the studio all day, my hair was a hot mess and since I wasn't wearing any makeup I could see she would think of me as more of a homeless wreck.

"Who wants to know?" I ask her.

"I've heard about you a bit. Megan is quite fond of your talent." She said giving me a slimy smile.

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