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I've always been enamored with secrecy, no matter how righteous a man appears to be there's always a darkness surrounding his soul. It could because he lost something precious, or because the nature of his pleasure changed. And it seems that the purest of hearts are drawn to the darkness the most. Its sense of danger, a lie and the excitement that comes with it is what makes it more addicting. There is not a soul walking through this planet that's not corrupted, even a child is compelled to cry a lie for the affection of his mother.

Currently I'm driving Roy to one of such secret place. Jasper set up a studio for me on my eighteenth birthday, what made it more exciting is that no one knows about it. The studio was in true sense something that belonged only to me. I haven't found the courage to go back, and I swore I wouldn't go there without Jasper. But as the time is passing by Jasper feels more like a dream than a reality and I need to feel him again, I need to know that he was and always will be real and when all of this blows up, he'll come back to me or maybe take me away with him.

But I couldn't go there alone, not when I know there are not one but two different people after me. Adrian's men seem to keep their distance after my outburst but I'm not so sure about those other men who were following me; that's why I decided to it would be safe to ask Roy as an excuse to come and see the art work himself.

"I didn't know you had your own studio." He said striking up a conversation.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I say focusing on the road.

The studio is on the other side of the town, somewhere no one could suspect. "I believe no one does." He says looking out the window.

"That's true. No one knows about the studio and I would prefer if you keep it to yourself as well." I tell him.

He nods smiling "Not even Megan knows?" He asked surprised.

"Nobody...Except Simone."

"He's very close to your heart?" He enquired.

"It wasn't always like that." I laugh bitterly at the memories.

"But from what I've gathered you've known Megan much longer than Simone."

He wants to know the truth; everyone who's met me is always stunned by Simone and my friendship. He and I have nothing in common except art. It bothered everyone especially my parents that he is my confidant. Somewhere deep inside maybe they do realize that I love him more than I love them.

 Somewhere deep inside maybe they do realize that I love him more than I love them

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At the moment I needed to play nice with everyone. Bing civil is what going to get me more answers, especially if I want to know why John is working in Roy's company. I need to earn his trust by giving away some of my secrets in order to learn more about what is it exactly Roy seemed to be involved with Adrian and Mark.

"At the wedding, you said that I'm throwing the life away that I'm blessed with."

Roy's expression changes, he frowns "Jade, I'll apologize again if you want me to..." He started explaining but I cut him off.

"No...I don't hold grudges towards people who are honest about what they are thinking. Even if it is something I don't agree with. Look...I get that you think my ways aren't exactly conventional and that's okay. We don't have to hate each other because we want different things in life, but I do. I do resent a lot of things that don't' agree with." I smile.

"I was six years old when I first saw a man begging for his family's safety in front of them. He was a key witness and was to testify against my father, Mr. Herbert and Mr. Funk, Jasper's dad. And they took everything from him, his house, and all his money. I overhead the conversation that he had killed himself and now his wife was homeless and had to support a child all on her own." I tell him as heart constricted in pain.

"It was after seven years I first met Simone in high school. I didn't know him but he knew who I was and he hated me. He pushed me down the stairs, I got a broken leg and two fractured ribs. Jasper would've killed him then and there. But I think I understood his desperation to hurt me, and in a way I was glad he did. I made Jasper swear no would hurt Simone and we've been friends since."

He looks and sighs. "That is messed up."

"We're bound together by pain, Simone and I. I don't think my family's hated anyone as much as they hate Simone. But Jasper was different, he helped us both set up our studios, he paid for Simone's art school, he accepted him; just like he accepted me." I whisper the last part more to myself than to him.

Roy is quite for a while, I look at him and I feel a pinch for taking advantage but it is soon replaced by the hunger for the answers that I need. "So...You know John. The guy's working for you, how did that happen?" I ask casually.

"You know him?" He asked me.

I couldn't tell if he was confused or suspected me. "Yeah...I mean he's one of Mr. Funk's men I think." I say.

"Yes...Mark suggested him; he said something about an injury so he needed to find a desk work. He's good with numbers so I let him have a job in accounts department."

I listen intently and without thinking too much about it I keep the information in the back of my mind to ponder about it later.

"We're here." I tell him.

My heart thuds loudly against my ribs as I step into my studio. Everything is kept as it is, the golden light comes in from the glass window wall making the hall glow, my paintings, art supplies some lined up neatly against the wall and some kept in a messy way. The whole place smells like Jasper.

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