Friends & Frats

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jet: pi kappa alpha is throwing a stoplight party at 8 see you then pretty girl!

Talia: pi kappa alpha? like a fraternity?

jet: yup, one of the biggest fraternity's of NYU. they go by pike for short. what's your address before i forget to ask
Talia: okay...uh 85 mercer street room 2R
jet: great!

A frat party? Suddenly I wasn't feeling too happy or excited about making friends anymore. My mind was congested with all of the negative things I had ever heard about frat boys and the parties they threw. I could fake sick. Or fake a family emergency. But that too similar to the Malibu Talia that I was trying to leave behind. 7:30 marked and I was feeling too much too sick to my stomach to sit and eat a meal so I forced myself to change into the outfit I would wear tonight. Did I have enough time to buy a chastity belt? My skinny jeans should be tight enough to ward off evil.

I refreshed my makeup, giving it a more dramatic look for the night. I decided on a white low-cut silk tank to go with the jeans and my black ankle boots. I did feel slightly over dressed for a frat party, but I did have to say that the necklace Ashton bought me looked really great with this outfit.

My phone buzzed with an incoming text from Ashton, who set his text tone vibration as the 'rapid' vibration because he said his texts were important enough to get that vibration.

ashton: i'm about to go on stage. i can't wait to see you, babe. i love you so soso so so so much. please think about me if you touch yourself tonight.
talia: i will make sure to do that. i love you. have a great show!

Jet and Noelle were already knocking on the door before I had a chance to hit send on the text to Ashton.

"Are you ready to go?" Jet straightened out her black and red shirt.

"I believe so." I shoved my phone in the pocket of my jeans, strongly cursing whoever made women's jeans with such shitty pockets.


It was a little past eight o'clock and the frat house's yard was already covered with acres of cliche red party cups and a few drunken passed out bodies. The bass from the music, sending vibrations throughout my body. Streamers hung from bushes and were wrapped around the beams on the front porch, if it weren't for the music, cups and bodies this would look like a kid's birthday party.

"I can't believe people are already drunk." Noelle hooked her arm in mine as we walked.

"Drunk? More like roofied." Jet corrected. My mind didn't congest with the thought of drugs. I had to be extra careful about my drinks tonight.

"Hello pretty ladies, I'm Joe." The first thing we were met with when we entered the house was this Joe guy standing behind a table full of glow sticks. Joe had on plaid shorts and white shirt that said "Nike" in bold black letters. His whole outfit just screamed douche bag. "Pick your designated colored glow stick, slap the bad boy on your wrist and enjoy the party, ladies."

"I've never been to one of these parties before. What do the colors mean?" Noelle scratched her head before twirling her hair around her finger in a flirtatious state.

I hesitantly picked up a red glow stick, securing it on my wrist. The glowing of the red signed I couldn't turn back now. Jet picked a green glow stick while Noelle was still confused about this ordeal.

"Green means single, yellow means it's complicated, and red means you're taken." Joe announced. "It's a shame you're taken. You're beautiful." He turned to me, leaving Noelle's terrible attempt of flirting. "Who's the loser who has you? I bet he's hideous. He's probably a drag to be around, too."

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