Chapter Six ~ Airborne Battles

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Blue-tinted crystal twinkled, the handle of the key silver and cool to the touch. It lay on the center of the dining table we all stood around. I adjusted, shifting from one foot to the other, tension building in the room.

Preston sniffed and slammed his hand down on the table, causing us all to jump, "Okay, let's all just stop staring at it like a bunch of freaks and decide what we're going to do with it."

"Well that's obvious Pride," Illius sarcastically snorted, "No, I figured we'd just sit here and you know," He shrugged, "We would just kind of look at it and it would magically solve all of our problems."

"Yes," I said as I leaned over the table, my hands planted on it's wooden surface. They all gave me a funny look and I blushed, "I mean, that's what the witch Nuala said. She said to travel to the north and that the key would guide us. So, technically, it would solve our problem."

"Oh goodie, another wild goose chase," Greyson sighed, pressing his body against a chair as he leaned over it.

"Well we don't exactly have a choice," West frowned, folding his arms over his chest as he studied the glimmering key.

"And we're running thin on time. We have no idea when Morana will strike and when she does, we need to be prepared. So the sooner we find this scroll, the sooner the world will be safe again," Eric pitched in, "Then there's also the matter of avoiding the angels and any other beings that might be lurking in the north."

"Yes, thank you for the reminder," Illius ran his tongue over his bottom lip.

"How do we get there?" I looked into each of their eyes, "To the north?"

"We'll just fly," Illius nodded pointedly, "It's not like it's that hard."

I swallowed hard, "It is for me."

"Well, you're going to have to set that fear aside once again Ava," Greyson said.

I attempted to shove my swelling anxiety back down and snatched the key from the table, gripping it tightly in my hand, "Then let's go."

"Wait," West strode towards me, his champagne brown eyes searching mine, "I have something for you. Follow me." He beckoned with his finger as he left the dining room. I glanced back at the sins and Illius before wandering out after him. He led me down the hall and finally into the large room I had claimed as mine with the pink coral rug and white walls. He led me to a large, white chest at the foot of the bed. It opened with a creak, inside lay an assortment of what looked to be clothing. He reached in and pulled out a black, leather jacket. It had buckles running down the front and a high collar that buckled as well. It looked complicated with all the different designs, straps, buttons and buckles, but West easily undid it, "Put it on over your shirt." He held it for me as I slipped my arms inside, my black shirt blending perfectly. It felt snug as I adjusted it, pulling it down in the front.

"It's a little tight," I commented.

"It's supposed to be, don't worry it will conform to your body. It was Elizabeth's, most demons and angels have an outfit like this," He explained as he bent down and pulled out a pair of matching black, leather pants with buckles running down the sides of each leg, "The leather has been doused in a potion that makes it so that it adjusts to your temperature, allowing you to breathe in the heat and stay warm in the cold. Where we are going, you're going to need it. It's flexible and durable, difficult to cut through with a blade so it acts as a form of armor." He turned around as I pulled on the pants, they conformed to my shape, accentuating the natural curves of my body. He reached into the chest once more and produced a pair of thankfully flat-heeled, black boots that reached about mid-calf as I slipped them on. He then handed me a belt with added slits and covers for weapons.

Forever Entranced ~Book Two Of The Soul Bound SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now