Chapter Thirteen ~ Reap What You Sow

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The wolves had formed a barrier around us as we walked, being led deeper into the forest of pine needles and snow. Killian had said they would lead us back to their village. That they had formally promised not to hurt us by performing what he called the "Wolf Pact," the act of pressing one's foreheads together in promise.

The more I thought about the Wolf Pact, the more beautiful it became to me. The fact that werewolves - though half human - could be so loyal as to promise in such a physically touching way and keep that promise, was special. Most humans didn't have that honor anymore. To men, promises were fleeting, made on a whim that by chance they might keep it, but it didn't take much to wean that promise until it was completely broken.

The alpha took charge of leading the group, while the rest of his pack circled around us, herding us. Killian shuffled along behind me and at either of my sides stood West and Illius, this seemed to amuse the warlock and every once in a while I could hear him snickering from behind me. Before we had left the not-so-comfortable ledge, Killian had nudged me in the side and reminded me to think about what he had said. Clearly I was thinking about it, I couldn't think about anything else.

His words rung loud and true in my head; "Choose the second one, because if you truly loved the first you would have never fallen for the second." My eyes slipped from West to Illius, could I really admit that? I decided to try and shove it from my mind and focused in on the field that was building before us, a large empty space in a grove of trees. A colossal fence ran in either direction surrounding what I presumed was the village. It was made of thick pine wood that was bound together with leather straps, and on the corners crouched several men and women, like cats on a post. Except, they weren't cats and I was pretty sure if you were to relate them to cats, they would rip you to shreds. Their eyes fled towards us and low, inhuman growls erupted from their throats.

Two men stood posted in front of the gate, rifles in hand. They noticed the alpha, leisurely strolling towards them, his fur rippling in the light breeze, "Open the gates!" One yelled and made a circle with his fingers, drawing them through the air, which I supposed was a signal.

There was a loud bang as gears turned and heavy wood moved, the gates swung open and the pack moved forward, pushing us inside. There was another bang and I craned my neck back to see the enormous gates closing behind us. My eyes swept away and towards the village in front of us. We stood on a dirt street that had been cleared of snow and dried. Tall houses made of wood lined the streets, their chimneys of stone billowing out puffs of smoke into the cold, winter air. People dotted the streets and a little boy, holding tightly to his mother's hand pointed at us mumbling incoherently. He wore a pair of fur lined boots and a coat with fur lining his hood, his cheeks were pink from the cold and his nose was a little runny. His mother swatted his hand down and pulled him to the side as the pack ushered us down the street.

I leaned over to Killian, "I thought you said that this," I gestured to the small amount of wolves surrounding us, "Was the pack." I kept my voice low.

"Well it is the pack," He chuckled, "Part of the bigger part of the pack."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I know that now." We strolled straight down the main street of the village, the werewolves that passed by, all in human form, nodding respectively to the alpha, "What is so bad out here that they need a fortress like this?" I whispered to Killian, my eyes darting around, taking note of several wooden posts that had steps leading up to them with giant guns positioned on top.

He leaned towards me, his breath brushing against my ear and spoke one word that sent shivers running down my spine, "Vampires."

I shuddered, "You mean drink your blood, sleep in coffins and burn in sunlight vampires?"

Forever Entranced ~Book Two Of The Soul Bound SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now