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I slowly opened my eyes looking around. I was dressed and slowly stood up. I groaned in pain. " Why does everything hurt?" I slowly walked to the door and saw a boy come in. " Hey babe Your hurting aren't you?" I nodded. " Who are you?" he looked at me with confusion. " I'm your boyfriend remember?" Then my memory snapped back. " OH YEAAA!!!" I smiled remembering. " jimine I am in pain, Hysterical pain." He laughed a little. " Sorry." then I walked into a room with 6 other boys. " Who are they?" he looked at me scared? " ok what's your name?" I tried to remember. " I don't remember... All I know is you jimin." He panicked. he ran to a tall guy and whispered. After a couple of seconds they all ran to me. " Ok I'm jin remember? Worldwide handsome?" My thoughts snapped again. " jinne?" he nodded and looked relieved. " I'm Suga remember? The one you call grandpa?" I tried to think back. I looked into his eyes and then it snapped again. " Yoon? " he nodded. " Oh yeaa your the one who scares the living crap out of someone." he gave me a really look. Then the tall one came. " I'm rap monster or RM remember? Anything?" I went into thought. It snapped again. " Your Like a dad to me a-and you snore really loud joonie." he rolled his eyes. " I'm j-hope... do you remember anything?" I tried to think hard. " You snore like Spongebob in your sleep hobi." he looked away blushing and mumbling. Then a Younger looking one came. " I'm jungkook remember?" I blushed hard. " Y-you are the baby of the group.... and is really blushy meeting me for the first time." I gave him a ' really ' look. he looked down blushing and mumbling. Then another came. " I'm taehyung remember me? your best friend?" Then the thoughts disappeared. " I-i don't remember you..." Jimin looked shocked. " We gotta get you to a doctor." Everyone nodded and I started feeling dizzy and started falling but was caught. " Are you ok?" The boy that seemed to be named Taehyung caught me looking scared. " Y-yes.. Taehyung?" He looked happy for a second and frowned. " I.... can't.... remember...." then I fainted.

Tae Tae POV ( la la la la la la la la la Ok! *BAM* oww * cutest ow ever )
Y/n Fainted in my arms and we rushed her to the hospital now. We ended up calling a ambulance. The one problem that just had to happen was Two members are hurt. J-hope has a fractured arm. Y/n is getting worse on her faintism. But now jungkook is complaining how hard I was. He's doing nothing but limping everywhere now I mean he will get better in a couple of hours but this, this can't work. The Fire concert is in 3 days. I mean suga can do his part but J-hope is one of the lead dancers. He can't move his arm since its now in a sling. Now Y/n WAS the lead dancer and now she can't remember me or her own freakin name. Who knows if she can remember to dance? She remembered jimin, Rm, Suga, Jin, J-hope, Jungkook... but not me. We arrived at the hospital and she was rushed to an emergency room. I didn't know what to do. Only once this happened but this happened when me and her were in middle school.


Y/n POV ( 14 years old)
I was bored hanging out with the popular girls. I wanted to be un-popular but everyone likes me a lot. I stood up and walked away to the non-populars boy group. Tae tae was my best friend in the universe. He actually wasn't popular. Everyone would glare at me. But the everyone I'm talking about is the populars. Everyone who wasn't or in the middle knew I was the only good. That's why everyone loves me. I went to the boys and sat next to tae tae. " Hey guys what's up?" they shrugged bored. The guy ' Jackson Wang ' was the tired one of the group. " I'm really tired..." Tae tae layed his head on my shoulder and I layed my head on his. The group looked at us in awe. " Guys shut up already! we are just friends." Tae glared at them and they rolled their eyes. The wide awake one ' kai' just banged his head on the table. I started feeling dizzy and tae sat up and looked over at me. " Y/n are you ok?" I nodded and stood up. " Hey guys me and Y/n will be back.." they nodded and I went to the swings. " Y/n are you really ok?" I nodded and got on the swing. " Let's have a swinging contest, Whoever wins gets to have ice cream for 4 weeks and the loser has to buy it. Deal?" he nodded. " Deal." we shook on it and he sat in his swing. We both started at the same time and since it was lunch everyone was busy eating and only me and tae were out. We weren't far from the school.. I mean it's only on the side of the school. I swung high and then lost my grip and fell on my side and hit my head. " Y/N!" tae got off and looked at me trying to see if I was ok. " T-t-tae.... T-t-tae.. C-call a ambulance...." I blacked out.

But I still want you~Jimin X readerWhere stories live. Discover now