chapter twenty-two ( date night )

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This whole chapter will be in italics, since it's no one's POV.

( Everybody's attire )


Lucas ( minus the damn bookbag )

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Lucas ( minus the damn bookbag )

Lucas ( minus the damn bookbag )

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Sitting at the table, things were growing awkward for everyone except Layla, who didn't know anything about Nyla & Lucas's history

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Sitting at the table, things were growing awkward for everyone except Layla, who didn't know anything about Nyla & Lucas's history.

Chris felt some type of way, seeing Layla with Lucas. He loved his friend, and he would hate to see her get hurt. Hearing what happened in Nyla's and Lucas's relationship, Chris knew better than to keep quiet about the type of guy Layla was seeing. He decided to just play it cool until later.

"Sooo.. How'd you guys meet?" Nyla asked breaking the silence. She wanted this night to end badly, but she knew it was far from over. She felt bad for Layla, knowing Lucas was probably saying any and everything to get the girl where he wanted her.

"The grocery store." Layla and Lucas said at the same time, looking at each other and laughing because they sounded like twins.

"What's the issue my mans?" Lucas asked Chris, noticing how tight he was holding his jaw.

"You don't wanna do that right here." Chris warned Lucas, who wasn't backing down because he didn't appreciate the looks Chris was giving him all night.

"Nah, if you got a problem, be a man and say THAT." Lucas stood up from his chair.

"What's going on? Am I missing something? You two know each other?" Layla asked still out of the loop.

"Yeah, I know of this fuck nigga, and Layla I can't believe you would be stupid enough to even communicate with him." Chris shot Layla a glare, confusing her with his statement.

"Can we just step outside." Nyla grabbed Layla's arm, leading her outside to have a woman to woman conversation.

"What was that about?" Layla raised a brow at Nyla. She was saddened that the double date was starting to go down hill. There she was, excited for her best friend to meet her maybe future boyfriend, then this happens. She was confused about what all the commotion was about.

"Lucas is my ex." Nyla went ahead and said.

"And? Are you two still messing around?" She hoped the answer would be "no" because she really liked Lucas. She didn't really care about Nyla being his ex, as long as they weren't still together, his past didn't really concern her. Little did she know, Lucas in fact raped Nyla and slept with her sister.

"No we're not messing around, I just wanted to give you a warning, you may want to stop messing with him yourself."

"Until he gives me the reason to stop messing with him, I'm here to stay." Layla strutted back into the restaurant unfazed about what Nyla had said to her.

Walking into the restaurant, Layla spotted Chris and Lucas now in each other's faces. With the help of Nyla, she broke up the fight that was bound to happen any minute now.

"Maybe this was a bad idea. It's just time to go." She looked down, grabbing Lucas's hand, leading him out the restaurant.

A few hours later, Chris found him self outside of Layla's apartment. He still felt some type of way about seeing her with Lucas. He needed to talk to her, and let her know what she was getting herself into. This was the perfect timing, she was alone and had no distractions from the conversation.

"Who is it?" She ran to the door, unaware that Chris was stopping by.

"It's me." He answered, as she swung the door open.

"What's up Chris?" She asked, still disturbed by the eventful night.

"Just came by to talk."

"Come in." She stood to the side, allowing him to walk in.

They sat on the sofa, and Chris explained to her that Lucas was Nyla's ex. He told her everything he felt she needed to know, about Lucas and his infidelity. How he slept with Nyla's older sister Naomi while they were still together, and the drunken night which lead to him raping Nyla. Layla took it all in, but was questioning his truth about the situation. All she saw in Lucas, was his soft side. A person who made even her bad days good. A friend. She couldn't see him doing such things. As she looked at Chris she couldn't read his face to see that he was in fact, telling the truth.

"You're a liar, Lucas isn't even like that." She spat standing up from her seat on the couch.

"Are you serious right now? All these years of friendship and you really believe I would lie to you about something like this?" Chris was shocked, he didn't think that Layla could be so naive.

"You're just jealous that Lucas is seeing me, and not you." She said.

Chris was hurt, here he was trying to keep her from making a big mistake, and she was calling him a liar. He didn't know what else he could say.

"Wow. I thought you were smarter than that Layla." He also stood up.

"This friendship is over until you can learn to be happy for me." She said as he walked towards the door.

"You really mean that shit?" He asked looking her into her eyes. She felt pain on the inside. Chris meant a lot to her, and here she was telling him the friendship they built, had come to an end. She was growing feelings for Lucas and to hear such bad things about him didn't sit right with her.

"Look I like Lucas, and like I said, until you learn to be happy for me, we won't speak." She repeated.

He walked out the door, standing on her doorstep. Before he turned to walk to his car, he turned around, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you Layla. Be good." He spoke, leaving her standing there once again, confused.

She let out a sigh, before closing her door.

What the hell?


Y'all don't be mad at me, I had to 😂
Any thoughts?
The date?
The kiss?

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