chapter thirty-five

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Quitting school and moving back home with her parents was something Jazmine needed to do for herself. Maybe she'd go back one day, but with the news of her new baby, she wanted no stress. Shawn still hadn't reached out to her, so he was still unaware of the fact that in nine months, he'd be a father.

"Baby, you okay?" Her mother rubbed her shoulders as she saw her daughter looking dazed.

"Yeah, I just don't know what to do anymore." Jazmine said rubbing her stomach. She wasn't even showing, but she knew her baby was in there.

"Have you talked to your babie's father? Who is it anyways?" Her mother asked, not knowing that she in fact knew him.

"Shawn." Jazmine admitted, immediately putting her head down in embarrassment.

"Shawn. As in Milah's boyfriend?"

"Ex. But yeah, that's the one."

"I knew I didn't like that boy, from the moment she introduce him to me." She shook her head.

"But he blessed me with my first grand baby." She kneeled down, kissing Jazmine's stomach.

"Would have been your second." Jazmine mumbled. Her mother had heard her though.

"What you mean by that? You had a miscarriage?" Her mother asked, shocked.

"An abortion."

"Now, I don't believe in those. You should have talked to me baby. I could have helped you." She pulled her into a hug as they both shared a couple tears.

"I know momma. I was just scared and didn't know what else to do." Jazmine cried.

"Well, you're here now, away from all troubles. This baby you have on the way, will be well taken care of." She said walking out of the kitchen.

Jazmine's mind drifted off to Shawn. Being a soon to be parent, she wanted to call him. Hell, he didn't even know she wasn't in Tally anymore. She wondered if he missed her. But seeing how he hadn't even checked on her, she knew he didn't.


Meanwhile, back in Tally, Shawn was in bed with none other than Camille. He still was trying to figure her out. One minute, she was in her feelings about being nothing more than sex to him, then the next, she was bent over asking him to fuck her.

He cared about Jazmine, but he wouldn't chase her. He saw how another day had went by, and he'd received not even a text from her.


Just felt the need to inform y'all that Jazmine is no longer in school 🤷🏾‍♀️

Who do y'all think will call first?

Y'all teamshawn or team jazmine? 😂

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