chapter fifty-one

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Chapters were closing, while others had just began. Friendships were going down the drain, and relationships were falling apart. Some held on to special bonds, while others let go of past connections.

No one knew where things were going, only how they wanted them to.

Feelings were hurt, and trust was betrayed.

Lucas questioned Layla's loyalty, because unbeknownst to her knowledge, he had witnessed her whole encounter with Chris. He didn't like the "feelings" that Chris had for his women. The hug they shared confused him on how Layla was really feeling.

Nyla, was hurt, she never would have expected things to go left with her and Chris. How could one minute, a person be so wrapped up in you, then the next they are leaving you because of the way they feel about another person? She knew in her heart, that she did indeed love Chris, but was that love worth her heart being broken again? They had been through so much together, from her trying to let Lucas back in at one point, her sister trying to seduce Chris, and now this. She didn't know how they were going to fix things, but she wasn't going to stress herself out trying to piece together the puzzle. She was tired of the roadblocks that constantly stood in their way.

Chris was an emotional wreck. He knew for a fact, nothing he said or did, would ever be enough to win Nyla's heart back. He fucked up big time, and now all he wanted was to be by her side. He didn't feel it was wrong to want closure with Layla, for he loved her too. He didn't know what to do. Did he get on with his feelings for Layla, and make things work with Nyla? Or did he wait until he could finally get his ex best friend out of his head before he tried anything?

Layla.... Well, she was starting to be afraid. Lucas was giving her the cold shoulder, and that wasn't like him at all. She didn't know what she did wrong, and assumed he wouldn't be talking to her about what the problem was. She was unaware of him watching how things unfolded between her and Chris. She felt no type of way about the conversation she shared with him, for she no longer saw him in that way. She was living her dream, with a successful business, her own car, two beautiful kids, and the most loving husband she could have asked for. She hoped that the anger he held, would soon go away.

Milah, Milah was on cloud nine. Derrick treated her as if she was a princess. She loved him, not only because of how he treated her, but because she felt as if he freed her from the life of lies she was living while with Shawn. She never expected to fall so deeply with anyone else, but here she was, head over heels. She never wanted this feeling to end. For Derrick was more than she could have ever imagined him to be.

Derrick felt as if he was shot by Cupid's arrow. Milah did something to him that he had never experienced with any other female. She was beautiful inside and out. They shared more than just a physical attraction. They were so alike in so many different ways. He could joke and laugh with her. He was happy that he found someone that could be a friend as well as a lover. He felt electric shocks throughout his body any time he shared a moment with her. He wanted her around as long as possible and could see himself putting a rock on her finger one day.

As for Shawn, he was trying his best to be a parent and a good student. It was hard for him at first, but as he started getting the hang of prioritizing, he found himself more at ease. He loved his son with all his heart. Although the first baby he could have had was aborted, he felt like all things happened for a reason, and he was ready to move past it. He hoped that some day, him and Jazmine could make it work. He was ready to throw his player card away, and be a family man. He'd learned that pussy was never meaningful after he washed his dick. He didn't want to lose the girl of a lifetime trying to be the man of the year.

As for Jazmine, she was being the best mother she could be right now. She had regrets of a lot of things in life, including dropping out of school. After having her son, she was planning on one day going back. She wanted to be an example for all the mothers who believed they couldn't do it. Of course she still had feelings for Shawn, but she would put that on hold until she got things in her life situated. She was hurt that her and Milah couldn't mend their relationship, because truth be told, that was one of her biggest support systems. She learned the value of friendship now, and she would never do anything like that again. But now, what was most important to her, was providing a good life for her son.

Just a little fill in chapter because I was bored. No dialogue, just a brief summary of what's going on right now. Goodnight readers ❤️

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