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*surprise update!!*

"Can I ask why you guys are studying?"

Marley and Gabby were sitting next to each other at a crowded table at their second rest stop. They had empty bowls of their frozen yogurt discarded in front of them. They were between their peers at the only seats that were left in the room, or anywhere, as the busses were off limits while they were being refuelled. Marley would've taken the floor gladly, but Gabby refused to stoop to 'Greg Heffley' level. Whatever that means.

A giant brown haired guy in a varsity jacket with a handful of fries in his mouth pointed a greasy finger at the girls, who he was sitting across from. He'd been annoying the both of them with his booming voice the constant banging of his fist on the table, rattling everything and making them jump in fright.

Gabby wrapped her arms around herself nervously. Marley sighed, "Flashcards. From the textbook."

"Why you gotta do school shit on the trip?"


Unfortunately, Marley and Gabby had found themselves sitting in the middle of a bunch of meathead jocks who came here for fun. A few seats down from the guy in front of them, Aiden and Leo were sitting and chatting with some girls across the table.

Marley curled her fingers around the pile of flashcards in her hands, looking down at the scratched wooden surface beneath her, "It-it's from the textbook, um, Practical Theories and Studies on Bacteria and Virus'?"

Everyone going on the trip was given a textbook on the material they needed to study and learn for the labs they were doing at camp. It wouldn't be entirely a teaching kind of thing. They'd be exploring the marshes and natural habitats around their camp, making observations and doing projects with their findings.

So about a month ago they were all given the book. The majority of people, who made it here because of their grade on the Biology test and not god knows what else, could be seen reading the textbook on the buses and looking at key terms themselves. Marley hadn't spent a day since without that thing in her hands. She could recite the definitions in her sleep.

She pities the people who thought this camp was a way to relax and earn free credits. Which were the people surrounding her, because somehow she and Gabby ended up in the popular crowd?

"Dammit, Alex! I told you to study that!"

The brown haired guy stood from his seat, causing the whole table to rumble like there was an earthquake, "Yo! You didn't tell me shit!"

"Can I see those?" someone snatched the cards from Marley's hands and soon there was a flood of people surrounding her and Gabby like moths to a flame.

"-book Mrs. Asher gave us! But you didn't fucking listen when I told you-"

"-the virus shit we're going to be looking at in the marsh-"

"-glad I know some of these at least, thank god-"

Gabby grabbed onto Marley's arm as they were forced to curl in on themselves, the air around them becoming hot and smelly.

"Those are my only flashcards!" she said into Marley's ear in a frantic tone, "I can't lose them!"

Marley touched Gabby's hand in reassurance, trying to stand but it was too crowded to move.

"Can I-can I please-" her voice was drowned out by the sounds of the students around her, "please can I-"

She watched Gabby quickly snatch a few cards which were falling into their laps like rain.

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