CH 4: Lost

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"You're not going to eat cereal?" Sangyeon asked and stared at the bowl of cereal.

"No." Hyewon packed her bag.

"Oh c'mon, Jacob came back from Canada and brought cereal. You can't just let it go to waste." He took another bite out of his cereal.

"He gave us 12 boxes of cereal, it's enough." Hyewon rolled her eyes and picked up her bag.

Sangyeon furrowed his brows, curious and checked his phone. "It's only 7:36, school starts in 8:30, why in a rush??"

Sangyeon then made an assumption and widened his eyes. "It's only your third day.. Do you perhaps have a b-boy-"

"Shut up." She shut the door, not giving him a chance to speak and ran to the bus stop.

Once Hyewon reached the bus stop she decided to wait for Changmin.

It makes sense why lots of students live in this neighborhood though it's pretty far from the school, they could all just have an excuse as to why they're late, and it's time consuming!

Hyewon was the kind of person to not be late, she always wants to be there on time so it was to no surprise that she came early.

"Hey." Guessing it was Changmin's voice, Hyewon turned around with a smile on her face but it was unfortunately not Changmin.

She did recognize this voice though.

"Oh hey, have I seen you before?" She asked as her smile slowly faded.

"No.. But I think you've heard of me." He let out a cheeky smile.

"Oh I did..?" Hyewon turned her head away from the boy and started to think hard.

"I'm a senior at this school." He laughed.

"Ohh that's why I haven't seen you around the school." The dots finally connected.

"Nah I just skip classes, the name's Ayno."

She raised her eyebrows. "Ayno? Nice name, mine is Hyewon."

"I know." He sat beside Hyewon.

He knows?..

"Alright I'm just gonna be straight up." He clasped his hands together , "About Changmin.." He paused and thought for awhile. "Is he close to you?"

"I wouldn't say we're that close.. We're just friends."

"I don't think you should be friends with him.."

"Why?" Her shoulders dropped and her breathing hitched.

"Because he's bad news. Though he drinks milk, that's not his only hobby." He sat closer to Hyewon.

Now she was intrigued, "What..?"

"His dad, he's not only his son but his accomplice."

At that point Hyewon was on the brick of laughing. "You're joking. Just because he's a son of an administrator doesn't mean he's his accomplice."

"I have proof." He replied quickly and took out his phone then showed a video of Changmin talking with his dad near the school. Changmin was seen recieving cash before his dad went inside his car and drove off.

"And your point is..?" She asked, uninterested.

"Don't you get it? His dad gave him money, and I'm pretty sure it's because he's been selling drugs."

"Drugs are illegal here, you're just stating false news." She argued back.

"So what's this?" He swiped to the next video and there Changmin was, handing in a sack and Changmin getting a bunch of cash back. "That's why his dad went to jail and was sentenced, he should also be put in jail."

Hyewon paused for a moment.

I'm not gullible.. I can't just trust this guy.. Right?

"So you're just gonna snitch to the police on him?" Her heart beat rapidly.

"I mean, what else can we do. We have a criminal in our school!" He had a straight but determined face, a face that was up to no good.

Her eyes scrunched, "You never know what's in the bag though."

"We'll know once the police investigate." Ayno smirked and stood up from his seat.

"I think you're taking it too far, like you didn't even dig in-"

"Just give it time, Hyewon. You'll believe me." He said and walked away.

Hyewon watched him walk away and turned her head to the left. Changmin stood still before walking away quickly.

Hyewon got up from her seat and followed him, taking rights and lefts. But Changmin was too fast to catch up on. She was out of breath as she held onto her knees, panting uncontrollably.

After 5 minutes of catching her breath, she looked around.

"Where am I?" She asked herself under her breath. "Changmin!" She attempted to call out for him even though she knew it wouldn't work. "Ah I'm lost.." She took out her phone and called her step brother.

Back In The Household.

Hyewon's brother ate his potato chips on the couch.

"Dunk! Dunk on him!" He yelled at the screen, not hearing his phone. "So close.." He said and stood up slowly before throwing his potato chips in the air.

"YEAAHAHH!!" He yelled and threw punches everywhere.

"3rd quarter is starting.." He sat down quickly and drank his apple juice. "WaIt waHATT isn't that foul!?" He yelled at the screen.

🥛 🥛 🥛

"C'mon answer!" She yelled at her phone and frowned when the lady robot voice answered her instead,

All her contacts consisted of her brother, and friends from her old hometown.

She took a deep breath trying to calm herself down; Hyewon looked at the time and gasped.

"8:18!!?? It's a 15 minute ride to the school." She frowned. "Don't worry Moon Hyewon, you can find your way out of this mess and get to school on time!" She said to herself to relieve some anxiety.

Suddenly everything started to move around her, she got nauseous and dizzy. "Stop.. Stop.." She held onto her head. "Please, stop.." Her ears started ringing.

A car beeped and she snapped back to reality, everything was normal. She looked around and felt quite better.

"I can't do this anymore.." She started running and taking lefts and rights in hopes of trying to find a familiar place she knows.

After more long jogs and turns, she found herself in another place she's not familiar with.

"Ahh I'm lost!" She said frustrated and sat at a nearby bench.

Her breathing got uneven. "Stop. Please stop." She held her chest and tried to control her breathing.

Everything turned blurry and she was lightheaded.

Her eyes started to flutter. "Not at this time, please Hyewon, please." She whispered. "Maybe a small nap would do.." She said but forced herself to stay awake.

Again, everything went back to normal after she heard a chatter of people coming towards her way.

She looked down, fiddling with her hands. "I can't do this. I can't find a way out of this."

"Yes you can." She heard from beside her.


Netflix marathons are the best.
If you could even find a movie to watch :'(

Sorry I'm not updating frequently like I used to do, I've been very busy and I was not in the mood, but as an apology I'll update more often woooopwooop!

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