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"So that's why you shouldn't ever trust a white rabbit. Though they can spark curiosity, especially if you see one wearing a waistcoat and a watch. How peculiar would that be!" Ally exclaimed as she and Cecilia walked into the art classroom. A lot of people were already there: Doug, Chad, Ben, Raelynn, Audrey, Jane, Lonnie and a few others. That statement got them a few weird stares but nothing the sisters weren't used to.

"I knew that already, Al." Ceci replied

"Oh." Ally paused, sitting in her usual seat. "I haven't told that story before have I?" Ceci shrugged and sat down.

"It's pretty much the first thing mum taught us when we were kids." she said, playing with her fingers.

"Nutcase." Audrey coughed behind them, prompting giggles from some of the girls around her. Ally ignored Audrey's comments and just continued.

"And then we ended up chasing after a white rabbit into the forest anyway. That was an interesting day." Before Ceci could reply, Audrey intervened again.

"Wow... and did you find crazy town... I mean Wonderland?" she sneered.

"Audrey, enough." said Ben, effectively shutting her up. Ceci nodded thanks to him and turned to face the front when the teacher arrived.

"Okay class, today we're going to be drawing or painting something of your choice that symbolises something in your life with meaning." the teacher explained. "Paints are in the cupboard to the left, and so is all the other equipment you may need."

"Ooo! But how am I meant to choose what do draw? A white rabbit? A teacup? A tea party?" Ally beamed.

"Why not all?" Ceci suggested.

"Can I even fit all of those onto the paper?" Ally tilted her head. "I could try!" she got up and walked to the supply cupboard. Ceci followed her and got several random colours, as she didn't know what to paint. Ally almost ended tripping over onto Audrey, but she managed to catch herself.

"Sorry! That was an accident!"

"You little--" Audrey exclaimed before being silenced by a look from the teacher.

"At least I didn't spill paint on your dress. W-which is lovely by the way." Ally stuttered. Audrey just glared, her eye twitching. Ceci grabbed her sister's arm and pulled her back to the table.

"Let's just get to work"

"I tried..." Ally shrugged and bit on the end of her paintbrush, staring down at her paper. She looked up to see that Raelynn had come over to them.

"Can I take the yellow paint please?" she asked.

"Yeah sure..." Ceci muttered, putting a bit in a spare cup and handing the rest to Raelynn.

"Thank you." Raelynn smiled and took the paint. "Don't listen to Audrey by the way..." she whispered. "She's just... you know." she said before walking back to her seat.

"Well that was interesting." Ally muttered.

"You're telling me." Ceci replied. Ally nodded and started to paint. An hour later, Ceci had outlined and had just started painting when the bell rang. She began hanging it up when Raelynn started to hang hers next to it.

"Wow." Ceci gasped, unable to contain herself.

"Hm?" Raelynn turned her head to Ceci.

"Y-your painting." Ceci suddenly got nervous. "It's really good."

"Oh. It's really not." Raelynn shrugged. "But thank you. Yours is good too you know."

"I'm not an artist..." Ceci trailed off as she looked out the window. Cyrus was sat on a tree outside. Just casually looking into the classroom. When he noticed Ceci looking, he disappeared.

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