Chapter 5: The Phone Call.

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I ran straight to Ryan cupping his face in my hands, my worried eyes glancing over his face to see a bust lip, a black eye with a few more cuts scattered everywhere. I faced my dad to see him staring down at me.

"What the hell happened? you were only meant to be dealing with that gun shipment, how is he beaten up so badly!"I babbled, my eyes glazing over with tears to see him so hurt.

"West fucking happened" A stern voice came from behind Oliver. I peered over his shoulder to see Caleb stood there with a cold hard glare, blood all over his hands. The boys carried Ryan over to my couch where Miles was currently stood, his eyes darting from each person.

Angry was an understatement, how dare West ambush my men and attack the people I love. He's a monster from what I have heard, and he always has been I was just to blind to see it. My love for him clouded my judgment on him.

I made the right decision leaving him behind, taking my daughter away from him. She doesn't deserve to have such a cold, murderous dad in her life who doesn't give a damn about anything but having power and endless girls in his bed.

People ask me if I regret being with him but in all honesty, I don't. Only because if he and I never happened, I wouldn't have my beautiful little girl who I absolutely adore more than anything. Mila was the reason why I left, to protect her. Become stronger so I could take down everyone whoever threatened her life.

Caleb walks over to me taking a quick glance at his friend who is unconscious on my couch. "We were surrounded before we even made it to the meeting by West and his men, don't ask me how he knew where we were fucking going but he did. None of us were killed luckily, Ryan was against West. Well, you can see how that went down" My hands balled into fists.

I should have sent Oliver or Brooke with them, but I had no idea this would happen. Fuck. I spun around to grab a vase of flowers that were laying on my desk and threw them across the room making it shatter into tiny little pieces, the water soaking into the carpet.

"I'm gonna kill him" I snapped. Oliver took my hands in his making me look at him.

"Look at me, Hope. You need to calm down okay, I understand your mad and none of us blame you" I peered around the room to see all eyes on us.

"We will get him back, but what we need to do is find that Noah kid. West is the least of your worries right now. We need to find Ashton and your mother so we can take them down, that is your priority. I'll kill West with my bare hands if I have to" Before I could say anything else he brought me into a bone-crushing hug.

His hands wrapped around my tiny waist whilst his chin rested, on the top of my head, waiting for me to calm down. My breathing slowed down a little making him pull away so he could look down to me.

"You better?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I whispered. When we broke apart I heard a groan come from my left. Ryan was slowly waking up.

"Dad can you get our doctor please, he needs to be checked out"

"Sure pumpkin" My dad left the room with Miles. I assume he needs to tell our dad what he just told me. I knelt down next to Ryan, gripping his hand in mine gently.

"Hope why are there two of you?" His eyes scrunched a little, trying so hard to clear his vision.

"We are fucking doomed if there were two Hopes, I don't think I'd survive" Caleb piped up with his usual jokes. I glanced over my shoulder so I could see him "I may look calm right now but I've killed you at least three times in my mind" His eyes widened in shock before chuckling.

I'm actually surrounded by idiots. How is Caleb even related to West, they are completely different. I  brushed my hand against Ryans' cheek carefully so I didn't put too much pressure onto his bruises.

"That bastard, I almost had him but someone hit me from behind causing me to lose my balance. That's when West attached me" He muttered before closing his eyes again. My lips connected with his for a second.

The doctor came in with a few others to help take him to our room so they could treat his wounds. When they all left, my phone started to ring. Caleb passed me my phone, the number was unknown but I answered it anyway.


"Baby girl, it's so good to hear your voice again"

"West..." My eyes caught Calebs to stood next to me whispering for me to put it on loudspeaker, so I did. I quickly placed it on my desk, staring at it whilst Caleb took my hand in his gently squeezing it. I felt safe around him.

"I hope you're having a splendid day, how's Ryan?" I could hear the smirk in his voice as he asked me about my boyfriend.

"Your a dick" I replied making him laugh.

"Do you miss mine?" I growled under my breath, already irritated by his voice.

"Oh please, you have more dick in your personality then you do in your pants" I spat making Caleb smile.

"I see you haven't changed, now onto a more important topic. You have something that belongs to me"

"I have nothing that belongs to you West so why don't you fuck off back to England. Nobody wants you here"

"I want my daughter" He yelled making me flinch.

"You lost the right to call her your daughter when you turned your back on me West" I could hear several crashing noises, which means he's lost his temper.

"This isn't over hope. I will have her whether you like it or not, even if I have to kill you to do it. I have a feeling we will be seeing each other very soon, but until then watch your back" Then he ended the call.

"We need to find Noah now, find me someone else who is as good as a hacker as Ryan. I can't wait any longer" I stormed out of the room straight down to the gym to let go of all my anger from that one conversation with the devil himself.

I wrapped my knuckles with bandages before taking my stance in front of the punching bag that was hung up in the middle of the gym. Nobody was here right now, just me.  I swung my fists until they made contact with the bag.

I repeated it over and over again, a lot harder each time till the chain snapped from the ceiling and flew to the ground with a large thud.


"Hope there's a package for you" My dad yelled.

"Hope there's a package for you" My dad yelled

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