Chapter 44: Breaking Promises

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Caleb was now knelt on his knees wiping the blood off his face as Callum stood next to him at his full height. Jace was stood off to the side looking at me.

He knew I was going to snap and inside was having a battle with himself. Will, he let me kick the shit out of Caleb or stop me from nearly killing him.

West was breaking down in my arms and it hurt me deeply seeing him so broken. It felt like someone was squeezing my heart to the point I couldn't even breathe.

I could hear someone walking down the stairs slowly but I took no notice on who it was. I quickly stood up on my feet and made my way over to Caleb, blinking back the tears.

His eyes rounded as I gripped him and pushed him against the wall, my hands shaking with rage. Luckily no one was stupid enough to stop me.

"I did everything in my power to protect my daughter, I sent her away. You knew how much that killed me, I even kept her away from her dad. But because of your jealousy and anger towards me, you fuck some random girl who happens to work for my uncle and Noah! You have put Mila in danger and for what? A good shag? I should put a bullet through your thick skull, I hate you. Mila is your niece, she is family. How could you... " I began to scream in his face and punched him twice before someone pulled me back.

"I've got you love" He held my arms together till I stopped trying to shake him off.

Everyone was now here, all looking at me sadly before angrily looking at Caleb who seemed to find the floor very interesting.

"Get out" I spoke.

"What" Caleb spat some blood on the floor.

"Get out of this house now, I never want to see your face again"

"Hope..." Callum whispered but I put my hand up.

"Don't you dare speak for him, if this was anyone else they would be dead. He's West's brother so I won't kill him but..." I took slow steps until I was stood in front of him.

He refused to look at me so I gripped his chin and made him, his face already starting to bruise from the multiple punches he received from him brother. His left has swelled, a nasty cut lay just above his eyebrow.

"If I ever see your face again I will kill you, now get out of my sight" I growled.

I moved to the side next to Jace who put his hand on my back. West was still on the ground but the way he looked at his brother was so cold. If I didn't know any better, West would have killed him.

Callum stormed out of the house without turning back and as soon as he left the house my phone started to ring. I picked it up, a number I didn't recognise and walked out of the room as Xavier started to order people to get everything ready. I heard someone behind but I didn't look who it was when I heard a familiar voice.

"Poor Caleb always tossed to the side. How does it feel to be a cold heartless bitch?" His voice made me sick.

"Give me my daughter back, this is between you and me"

"You're right it is between the two of us, I bet you're wondering why out of all the people who could have a grudge against you it would be me."

Yes, I had wondered, he was probably the last person I would have thought who would want me dead. It better be a damn good reason.

I slammed my hand against the wall becoming frustrated "Stop chatting shit and just give her to me now" West was now in front of me.

"Come to the old abandoned warehouse on Melbourne Street, you remember, don't you? The one where Michael stabbed you" He snickered.

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