Chapter 33: I Know How You Think

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Memories of Callum came flooding back, happy, sad, angry, and funny ones with either our friends or just the two of us.

The feelings I had for him, the love I still have for him which I've tried my hardest to bury and forget about. I needed to move on and I was planning on doing that with Xavier. Deep inside I can see myself having a future with him.

It's like he completes me, keeps me sane, and balances out my darkness. Xavier doesn't make me feel like some sort of object that needs to be fixed.

No, I don't love him, how can I love someone who I hardly know? But I can see myself falling deeply in love with him, and I hope the feeling is mutual.

The man lay on top of me dragged me up onto my feet and locked my arms together behind my back, and a gun pointing to my head as Callum or his lookalike just stood there staring at me. Miles, Oliver, Jace, Caleb, and some others who I don't recognise were now pointing their guns at the other men who were doing the same. 

Jace and Caleb looked my way and noticed Callum who was spinning a knife between his fingers, his eyes raking me up and down. Them beautiful brown eyes that held so much happiness in them but were now replaced with absolutely nothing, there was no life in them.

"Callum" They both called, taking a step forward but stopped suddenly when the gun pointing at me was now pressed against my head.

"Not another step guys or you can say bye-bye to Hope" He turned to them "It's nice to see you both again" All three of them were together again, the only person missing is West.

"you were dead, how the fuck are you here" Caleb managed to speak, Jace was to busy worried about me.

"Long story short I was shot saving this one, heart stopped, went into a coma, and miraculously recovered. Shit part is the amnesia" 

"And you didn't fucking come back to us? Do you have any idea what was happening, the shit we all went through, what Hope went through losing you?" Caleb was beyond angry.

Callum strode towards him and gripped his collar "It's not like I was on fucking holiday, I was in a coma because I was stupid enough to take a bullet for her" He pointed at me "so don't stand there telling me how pathetic your life is or how hard you have all had it because I don't give a shit, it's not my fault you chose to follow Hope. West did right by leaving her"

My heart felt like it was breaking more and more, this isn't the Callum that I love. The goofy Callum who was full of jokes or called me freckles. He remembers them but not me, not a single thing.

"You loved her" Miles interrupted.

"The old me loved her, I couldn't care less if she was to die in that very spot"

I need to get out of this situation now and the only way to do that is probably going to seriously hurt me but I can't stand here anymore listening to him as he continuously breaks my heart. I was quiet as the four of them argues, Xaviers eyes were on me and that's when I noticed another gun hidden in his back pocket. He noticed me looking and he nodded quickly making sure the others didn't notice him.

Blocking the pain out that was starting to return, the feeling of my stitches being ripped open in my legs again I finally heard Callum speak.

"Kill her"

Miles was losing his temper now trying to make his way to me but was blocked by Oliver and Jace, they knew if he made another attempt to get to me he'd be killed.

I gritted my teeth together and threw my head back right into his nose, a loud cracking noise was heard just before he started cursing. His gun fell to the ground, blood poured down his face so I elbowed him in the chest just as Xavier threw his other gun towards me. I easily caught it with one hand, my other clutching my stomach.

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