Chapter 20: Jace Porter.

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"Ugh Porter it's no use, I'm never going to learn Spanish," I said frustratedly.

Jace smiled at me sending flutters in my stomach, and his laugh was music to my ears. We had decided that it would be a good idea for me to learn some Spanish because sometimes without even realizing he wouldn't speak any English making it hard for anyone to understand him.

The worst time is when you're having an argument with him. The guys get so frustrated when he goes all Spanish on their arse.

So because it's raining and Callum has gone out with West to a meeting I thought I should try and learn so someone could understand him. It's not going so well though, I was never good at languages in high school and that hasn't changed. We have been at this for two hours now and I can't remember a single thing.

"You can do it, Carter, I believe in you," He said.

I crossed my arms and sighed.

"Your wrong because most of the time I can't even remember what hello is in Spanish" 



"Hola is hello" He laughed.

"See I told you, there's no use. your just gonna have to stop speaking Spanish"

"I learned how to speak English, so you should learn how to speak Spanish. It's only fair"

"I'll just download a translator app or something, stops all confusion then and it's starting to hurt my brain so can we stop and make some coffee" I gave him my biggest smile hoping he would give in.

He looked at me for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and standing up, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the bed before heading out of his room and towards the kitchen. The house was silent as everyone was still out and I loved spending time with Jace anyway so he decided to stay behind for today.

As he let go of my hand to go and make some coffee I couldn't help but scan him up and down whilst he wasn't looking. He had tight black joggers on and what was supposed to be a lose white v-neck but because he was so toned and well built it clung to every muscle making my mouth water a little. I noticed a tattoo on his left him right next to his v-line as he stretched up to reach two cups in the cupboard.

My eyes blinked rapidly from staring too long and as I looked up towards his face I noticed him smirking from the side.

Please don't tell me he saw me.

"I saw you" He chuckled.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I gulped. 

Obviously, he saw you Hope, you're practically drooling everywhere.

The ringing of the kettle went off, and as he started to pour the hot water into the two cups  I walked over to the fridge to retrieve the milk and hoping the coldness would coll down my reddened cheeks.

I walked over to him and handed the milk over.

"Gracias Hermosa" (Thank you beautiful)  

As he finished making the brews he slid my cup across the surface towards me. His emerald green eyes were shining brightly, they were full of happiness as they gazed into my bright blue ones.

I can't understand this feeling I have towards him but whatever happens, I need this man in my life.

Jace stepped forward and his thumb brushed against my warm cheek sending some tingles across my skin. I ducked in a breath as his face grew closer to mine.

His minty breath flooded my nostrils and there was no space between us anymore. I could feel every curve of his muscle against my body.

I felt his lips lightly brush against mine.

"¿puedo besarte?" (Can I kiss you) He whispered hovering over my lips, his green eyes still looking into mine.

"English please," I said quietly earning a deep chuckle from him, one of his arms had now snaked around my waist. The other sliding up and down my arm gently.

"I said can I kiss you," He asked a bit louder this time.

I smiled.

How cute is he to even ask if he can kiss me. I love how old school and how much of a gentleman he is.

Without replying I gripped the back of his neck lightly bringing his soft lips on mine. It felt like a fire was lit in my chest and it was currently warming my heart as I slowly moved my lips in sync with his.

The kiss was soft and tender, with a hint of desperation now coming from both sides, his body rubbed against mine causing me to let out a quiet moan.

Before it could go on any further he pulled away slowly opening his eyes and a beautiful grin spread across his face.

"Me has robado el corazón Carter" (You have stolen my heart, Carter)

"Me has robado el corazón Carter" (You have stolen my heart, Carter)

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And another chapter, I hope you enjoyed this little flashback.

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