Chapter 45: Green Eyes

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I quickened my pace as the dark clouds began to gather in the dull grey sky. The golden sun was slowly fading, being overtaken by the darkness.

As I rounded the corner, I could feel each gun I had hidden inside my jacket rub against my skin. That's when the old warehouse came into view, memories from the night I was taken and tortured resurfaced in my mind. The time I was given my first scar from a mad man who wanted power.

Cars were scattered everywhere, yellows, greens, blues, reds all mixed together standing out from the dull sky.

I managed to sneak out of the bedroom window, none of the guards noticed me or anyone in the house for that matter. Xavier had left me to speak to Reagen about their plan. Everyone was just too busy to notice me slip away into the darkness.

At the start of all this, I was expecting a war for power, many gangs wanted to overrule me being the only woman to actually be in charge. Everyone was afraid of Xavier, never even bothering to try and take him down. The mafia kept in the shadows, only ever intervening when it was needed.

Gangs were only meant to do certain jobs, maybe the odd gunfight against each other if things got out of hand. That's why when West or shall I say my uncle and Noah started to grow in power, killing anyone that crossed their path Xavier came forward. He knew of me, we both had one goal and that was to take them down before they attracted too much attention.

Today is where it all ends, they want me dead and that's fine by me. I'll go down but I refuse to go alone. I will take them straight to hell with me, my daughter is the most important out of all this. An innocent child shouldn't be involved because she never asked for this.

I refuse to let anyone save me again because I'm not worth it, they all deserve a good life even if I'm not there to see it.

Miles deserves to leave this life, find someone, and settle down. He's always been a family man, full of jokes and has the kindest heart.

My dad shouldn't have to watch his children risk their lives every single day, and it's better for him to have one child then none. I know Miles would do anything to protect me and I will do the same. He's already died once.

Mila needs both of her parents, that's why West needs to live. He may have done me wrong by killing Lily and by breaking my heart but Mila needs him.

He's never betrayed her.

Callum and Jace deserve the world, they are so different but so alike at the same time. Jace has always stood by my side and never judged. He taught me some Spanish and was always the gentlemen. I want him to live and find happiness with Reagen.

Then Callum is just your typical class clown, a heart of gold. Seeing him die was one of the worst experiences in my life and letting him go was included. We wouldn't work, we had our chance years ago but I made a mistake. Maybe it was the universes way of saying we don't belong together.

Maybe in another life.

Xavier had my heart, my soul, my darkness, and light all in one.

I never expected to actually fall in love with him, it just crept up on me. Some may think that it isn't love, how can you love someone in such a short amount of time?

It's easy.

You can know or be in a relationship with someone for two years and feel nothing. You can be in a relationship for two weeks and feel everything. Time is not a measure of love.

He lit my soul on fire.

My heart is his, and I'm about to kill it.

"I can do this" I whispered to myself, completely forgetting about the war piece.

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