Chapter 42: Mrs King

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"Rise and shine soon to be Mrs. King"

I raised my finger and flipped whoever off before turning onto my other side as I dragged the duvet over my head. Not a minute later they were ripped off me and thrown onto my floor.

"No more time to sleep, we've gotta doll you up. Make you sexy as hell for Xavier so you can create lots of little Xaviers. Times a wasting" Reagen clapped her hands in front of my face.

Pushing her hands away I glanced over at my alarm clock that lay on my bedside table. It read five in the morning, there was no sun shining through the windows and I was extremely annoyed.

"Are you kidding me, nobody will arrive for hours now leave me alone"

"Nu-uh you need to get ready, the chefs are already preparing the food. Wait are you tired because of Xavier? Oh my god, girl did you two do the nasty" She squealed as she jumped onto my bed.

Sometimes I question Xavier's choice on his second in command, which reminds me that's what I was meant to ask Jace. Even though we were combining I still needed someone on my side to listen to me, even if I have Xavier he will still have Reagen.

"Will you stop jumping up and down on my bed, go and pester Xavier or something" I rubbed my eyes.

"Xaviers with the lads and trust me, they've woken him up even earlier so you should thank yourself lucky"

Reagen took hold of each arm and pulled me off my comfy bed and ushered me towards the kitchen saying she needs to feed me well and pump me up with enough caffeine till it replaces my blood.

When we entered the kitchen Miles was sprawled across the breakfast table, his mouth wide open and his hand inside his cereal bowl. Jace was stood behind him with a satisfied look every time he looked at my brother then back to his phone.

Once he noticed me enter he immediately put his phone away and gave me a wide smile. As he made his way over to me I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him in for a hug.

He chuckled and returned it just as quickly, slightly lifting my feet off the floor and twirling around. Once he placed me back down Reagen handed me a very large cup of coffee and subtly eyed up Jace.

I smirked behind my coffee cup and took a sip.

My next mission is to get them two together.

"Why are these two awake?" I asked her.

"Well, I respect your dad more than your dimwit of a brother, who by the way blocked the toilet upstairs then proceeded to try and unblock it with the plunger but ended up breaking that and blocking it even more. So yeah I woke him up with a bucket of ice-cold water, he's lucky it wasn't water from the toilet"

Well, that's disgusting.

"And Jace is your best friend so I thought he could spend the morning with you in case of cold feet and because well he's better than the Shaw idiots"

I couldn't agree more.

"So drink that, eat something whilst I check everyone is arriving to set everything up for the ceremony. I will be back to help get ya ready very soon"

Reagen walked over to my brother and kicked his chair, he woke up with a jump which made his cereal bowl fly off the table and the milk spill all over him. As she left the room both if us erupted with laughter until my brothers very angry eyes landed on me.

"I think that's our cue to leave" I grabbed Jace's hand and ran out the room with him and made our way to the living room.

We both took a seat on the couch across from the tv in silence. The ticking of the clock rang through the room.

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