Chapter 27: I Don't Deserve You

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"So what's your nephew like?" I questioned Jace as we drove through the city.

He had one hand on the steering wheel, his other resting on the gear stick. After every few minutes, he would stretch his fingers out and tap them playing a little rhythm.

Jace always looks calm and collected, like he didn't have a worry in the world. His bright green eyes twinkled every time the lights from a passing driver shone through the window.

"Well he can be a little shy, but once he warms up to you, then it's hard to stop him from talking," I laughed.

I love kids.

They don't have a filter and tell you whatever is on their mind without thinking about the consequences.

"Also can be a bit of a flirt when it comes to pretty girls" He quickly glanced my way then back to the road.

"You think I'm pretty?"

"I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world," He said in an instant making me blush.

Thank god its dark in here, my cheeks are probably bright red by now.

"It's cute when you blush"

"I am not... wait how do you know I'm blushing" I turned slightly in my seat so I could see him better.

He smiled "You always blush when someone compliments you, your little nose and cheeks go red and you play with your fingers"

"I also know when you've got a lot on your mind, what's going on? I'm not going to ask why you killed Ashton. El pinchazo probablemente lo merecía" (The prick probably deserved it)

"I really wish I knew Spanish" I mumbled to myself.

Jace was patient and quiet waiting for me to talk, something else I liked about him was he didn't push you to do anything. He never judged and sometimes I forget how nasty he can actually be, he is a gang member after all.

"Xavier found out that Ryan knows a lot more then we thought, you know about West. He might be the reason how West found me, just another fucking traitor" I heard him such in a breath.

"I'm not mad at you, I understand your reasons for what you did. Protecting your family like that and I respect it"

I slowly placed my hand over his, his skin soft and warm under my cold one. My finger softly traced a small scar on one of his knuckles.

Whenever Jace was around I felt safe, his touch ignited a flame inside me and made me feel loved. There was just something about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

The last thing I ever want to do is just Jace, I respect him way too much. He deserves happiness more than anyone I know.

"Stop overthinking" He took my hand and placed a kiss on my hand.

"I don't deserve you, not even as a friend" I whispered.

His eyebrows crinkled as he looked over my way "You've got me anyway, in my opinion, I don't think anyone deserves you"

The car slowed down till we stopped in front of a regular-sized house. A white picket fence surrounded it, a bright pink blossom tree stood in the garden, petals falling off the branches.

"Come on Hermosa," Jace said just before he stepped out of the car.

Before I could open the door Jace had already opened it for me offering his hand. I gave him a soft smile and took it.

Such a gentleman.

We walked down the path together, my hand still in his. Something about this just felt natural, like my hand was always meant to fit into his.

Eye for an EyeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang