Chapter 40: The Huntress

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All I wanted to do is have a relaxing shower so I could scrub away Brooke's blood, then climb into my bed and sleep everything away. The only time I get to myself without having to worry.

Today was fun with Jace, it always is. He helps take my mind off things and forget how stressful and dangerous our lives are.

Then Callum happened.

He remembers everything, his love for me, and all the heartache I caused. He told me he still loves me, and I love him, I always have. You would think it would be an easy choice between him and Xavier because I don't love him, but there's just something different about him.

In the back of my mind, I'm worried about choosing the wrong person because it's not just my feelings I need to think about, it's Callums and Xaviers too.

Does either of them want to take the responsibility of bringing up my child with me? The last thing I want to do is be a burden.

Do I really want to get married to Xavier, give up my happiness in the process? He might be my happiness, but Callum might too.

At the end of the day, me and Mila come as a package deal.

Now to make things worse West is lay on top of my bed with Mila curled up to him.

"What are you doing here?" I stood at the foot of the bed, glancing at my sleeping baby.

I could feel my tears threatening to fall as I looked at my daughter, all I wanted to do was cuddle her and never let her go again.

She's grown so much already, looking more like West every day. Her quiet snores were the only thing heard whilst I waited for West to speak, he was too busy staring at her with a warm smile on his face.

"Waiting for you" He simply said, giving me the side-eye.

"Why do you have my daughter?"

"Don't you mean our daughter" Now he was looking at me.

This is the first time we've actually been alone without anyone to disturb us. No crazy mums or men trying to kill me. Just me and West with the most precious person in this world.

Someone I would die for.

"Not the point West, why is she here? She's meant to be with my dad, far away from here, or did you forget that?"

"You should be asking your husband to be" He spat.


"Xavier is the one who sent both of them here, your dad is asleep in one of the guest room. He wanted your daughter to be here on your wedding day, he's hired more security just to be safe"

West gently removed his arm from underneath Mila and tucked the covers around her, he gave her a gentle kiss and stood up from the bed.

His blue eyes set on me, both of us just standing in silence.

I wish I could read minds, would make things so much easier.

"I love you"

As the words left his mouth I stepped back, my eyes widened as he took a step closer to me.

People really need to stop professing their love for me.

He's not meant to love me, he can't love me. Not after everything he has done, even if it was all a lie he still hurt me. He still betrayed me and I couldn't forgive that.

"No you don't, I don't think you ever did love me" I was against the wall now, my hair had escaped my messy bun.

"I've always loved you and that never stopped, everything I did was to protect you. He wanted you dead just because he hated me and my family. You were my only weakness so he played on that, used me like a fucking puppet. Your uncle wanted to hurt me and the only way to do that was to make me hurt you and use you..." He tugged at his hair.

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