Chapter 29: They've got her.

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Xavier's Pov.

I hate meetings.

Most of them are pointless and boring. Giving leaders an excuse to bicker with each other and try to overpower one another.  Trying to gather as many gangs as possible to overcome West or whoever he may be working for, that's if my gut feeling is right. There's going to be a fight, a big one and some of probably won't come out of it alive.

Although I refuse to let Hope die. The short amount of time I've known her I seem to care deeply for her. Everyone sees this strong leader, her heart slowly becoming black and that's what scares her inner gang, the people who knew her before the burden fell onto her shoulders. They want to fix her, and to stop her from becoming too dark till it's too late.

From the few times, I have spent with her I can't help but admire and respect her, I understand what the darkness can do. The girl had to give up her own child, one of the hardest things you probably have to do. I heard of the girl way before all of this, as soon as she got involved with West and the others her name spread like wildfire. I wanted to meet her for a long time but it was never the right time.

She must have been special to steal two gang leaders' hearts, even though one need in death and the other in betrayal. 

I've never been in love, it wasn't something I thought about or had time for when I was training to take over my father. I am Xavier King, the ruthless Mafia leader. The only ones who have seen my other side, the side of a normal young man who can laugh and joke with his friends are my inner circle. Now I have Hope, there's just something about her that intrigues me. 

I see her darkness but I also see the light in her soul, her eyes that are always a deep shade of blue flicker to crystal lake colour sometimes. Hope doesn't need to change, this is who she is now but the others don't understand that and that's why they won't win her heart. They want to fix something that can't be fixed cause even though you can glue something together you can still see the cracks which are bound to break.

She needs someone who is as broken as her, the same darkness to balance it out. Someone who understands her without needing to change her.

"Well if it isn't the man himself" I heard someone speak as soon as I entered my home.

Dominic was sat on my corner couch, his arms draped over the back with a drink in hand, his dark red fringe falling into his eyes. Next to him was Reagen, her dark chocolate skin as radiant as ever. her black locks cascading down her body ending with an electric blue. 

She has a thing for Dominic but doesn't act on it, in her words 'I'm too young and hot to settle down with a man, once he gets to taste some chocolate I'll never get rid of him and then I'll have to kill him ya, idiot' sometimes I wonder why she is my second in command but then regret telling her that cause I end up with a dead ear.

"It's good to see you too" I eyed them both "Is that my bourbon you are drinking," I asked Dominic who was now trying to hide the glass.

"Told ya, ya bloody idiot" Reagen laughed and walked over to me engulfing me in a hug.

As she let me go she was smirking "So Xavier, where is this Hope we have heard so much about" Dominic sat up eagerly like it was storytime.

"Noah has spoken about her?" 

Yes, I have mentioned Hope a few times to the, and about our plans of marriage to become stronger and bigger to take out whoever it is that has been causing some serious problems with our world. Someone probably hiding in plain sight, which is why I think that West isn't working alone, that he isn't calling the shots. It's been going on a lot longer, even before Hope knew anything about her brother being in a gang or even Mason. We know Ryan has been working with him but for what reason I don't know.

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